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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (6): 874-881    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.22.022
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基于二维Archimedean copula函数的热带气旋风雨联合概率分析
叶妍婷1,2, 龚俊强1, 张海霞2, 栗健3
1. 浙江省金华市气象局, 金华 321000;
2. 北京师范大学 地理科学学部, 灾害风险科学研究院, 北京 100875;
3. 清华大学 工程物理系, 公共安全研究院, 北京 100084
Joint probability analysis of tropical cyclone wind and precipitation with the Archimedean copula function
YE Yanting1,2, GONG Junqiang1, ZHANG Haixia2, LI Jian3
1. Jinhua Meteorology Bureau of Zhejiang Province, Jinhua 321000, China;
2. Institute of Disaster Risk Science, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;
3. Institute of Public Safety Research, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 热带气旋是典型的多致灾因子事件,探究各致灾因子间的关系可为热带气旋综合危险性评估等研究奠定基础。该研究选取1951—2015年热带气旋登陆中国时最大风速(MWS)和总降雨量(TP)两个致灾因子,构建两者的边缘概率分布,并基于二维Archimedean copula函数构建两者的联合概率分布,分析了联合概率分布特征以及在MWS已知条件下TP的条件概率特征。其中,最优的边缘概率分布和copula函数通过5%置信度的K-S检验和离差平方和最小法(OLS)确定。研究发现: MWS和TP分别符合Weibull和Gamma分布,最优连接函数为Gumbel copula,风雨致灾危险性同时强(弱)的台风发生概率要高于仅单个致灾因子强的台风;台风风速已知,则风速越大,最可能发生的TP越大。若将TP∈[1 000,2 000]×108 m3定义为台风强降雨,当MWS小于等于60 m/s时,风速越大,强降雨发生概率越大;当MWS大于60 m/s,在达到该阈值前,风速越大强降雨发生概率越大,在超过该阈值后,风速越大强降雨的发生概率越小。对于任意TP,均存在MWS阈值,且该阈值随着TP增加而增大。该研究提出的方法与得到的结果能为台风灾害应急管理和防灾减灾等提供理论和技术支持。
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关键词 copula函数热带气旋风雨组合联合概率    
Abstract:[Objective] Tropical cyclone (TC) is one of the biggest threats to life and assets in coastal areas. TC is a stochastic event characterized by various hazards, such as strong wind, heavy rain, storm surge, and flooding, which can cause significant impacts individually or in combination. Exploring the relationship between the multiple attributes of TC can help estimate the severity of TC and aid in the emergency response and risk management. Strong wind and heavy rain are the two most severe hazards of TC disasters. Generally, TC weakens rapidly after landfall due to the mountainous terrains in coastal areas, and its intensity (wind) decays within a very short period. The maximum wind speed (MWS) of the TC at landfall reflects the threats posed by the strong winds of the cyclone. MWS also contributes to the rise in water levels caused by storm surges. Total precipitation (TP) can indicate the intensity of TC rainfall as well as the potential impact of inland floods and water logging. However, the relationship between MWS and TP is complex and nonlinear, and there is a lack of a clear formula to express this relationship. Copula is an effective probability method to model the dependence between two or more variables with uniform cumulative distribution functions (CDFs).[Methods] Therefore, in this study, a bivariate copula function was used to construct the joint probability of MWS and TP. Four marginal distribution models (Gamma, Gumbel, Weibull, and generalized extreme value (GEV)) were first fitted based on 553 MWSs at landfall and TPs over land in China (1951-2015). Three two-dimensional Archimedean copula functions (Clayton, Frank, and Gumbel) were then used to construct the joint probability of MWS and TP. The Kolmogorov-Smirov (K-S) test at a 5% significance level and the ordinary least squares (OLS) values were used to determine the best marginal and copula models. The characteristics of marginal CDFs and joint probability were also discussed. The conditional probability of TP was also calculated and discussed since TC intensity (wind) is easier to achieve than precipitation.[Results] The results of this study are as follows: (1) Weibull and Gamma are the best marginal CDFs for MWS and TP, respectively, and the Gumbel copula is the best copula function. Fitted Gumbel copula PDF values in the upper and lower tail are relatively high, indicating the probability of TCs with MWS and TP simultaneously being strong or weak is higher than TCs with either MWS or TP being severe. (2) The maxima of conditional probability increases with MWS, indicating that the most probable TP is also strong when MWS is strong. (3) Here, TP∈[1000, 2000]×108 m3 is defined as strong TP. When MWS ≤60 m/s, the conditional probability of strong TP increases with MWS; but when MWS >60 m/s, the conditional probability of strong TP increases with MWS before the threshold and decreases with MWS after the threshold. Each TP is associated with an MWS threshold, which increases with the concerned TP.[Conclusions] Our findings show that the construction and analysis of the joint probability distribution between MWS and TP lead to an improved understanding of the interaction relationship between TC hazardous wind and precipitation. This study also contributes to a comprehensive investigation of the TC multihazard destructiveness.
Key wordscopula function    tropical cyclone    compound wind and precipitation    joint probability
收稿日期: 2022-12-15      出版日期: 2023-05-12
通讯作者: 栗健,助理研究员,     E-mail:
作者简介: 叶妍婷(1990—),女,工程师。
叶妍婷, 龚俊强, 张海霞, 栗健. 基于二维Archimedean copula函数的热带气旋风雨联合概率分析[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(6): 874-881.
YE Yanting, GONG Junqiang, ZHANG Haixia, LI Jian. Joint probability analysis of tropical cyclone wind and precipitation with the Archimedean copula function. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(6): 874-881.
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