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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (4): 560-571    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.25.006
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李丹, 吕海陆, 张扬, 张海, 周托, 吕俊复
清华大学 能源与动力工程系, 热科学与动力工程教育部重点实验室, 北京 100084
Effect of gas flow mixing uniformity on the flashback characteristics of turbulent jet flames
LI Dan, Lü Hailu, ZHANG Yang, ZHANG Hai, ZHOU Tuo, Lü Junfu
Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 微混燃烧器的可燃气体预混发生在距燃烧器喷嘴出口较近的地方,可燃气在喷嘴出口可能存在一定的不均匀性,对回火的影响值得关注。使用高速摄像和纹影法实验观测了4种燃料预混方式对氢气(H2)、一氧化碳(CO)和空气湍流射流火焰回火特性的影响,并使用粒子图像测速(particle image velocimetry,PIV)技术测量了回火条件下的出口流场,结果表明在不同预混方式下,湍流射流火焰的回火都属于边界层回火,混合均匀性不影响湍流射流火焰回火机理。高速摄像结果显示,回火前接近化学当量状态下,预混火焰周围呈蓝色且存在扩散火焰层,而混合程度最劣条件下的一侧扩散火焰呈明显的橘红色,加之回火开始于同侧,表明该侧氢气浓度较高;随着混合均匀性改善,橘红色扩散火焰逐渐消失,发生回火的起始位置呈随机性。通过纹影图像能较清晰地分辨回火发生的时刻和位置,观测的回火过程用时与高速摄像结果一致。不同来流预混方式的回火速度范围存在一定差异,来流混合程度差更容易发生回火。结合PIV测量结果分析表明:来流预混形式对喷口附近气流速度场影响不大,其对回火的影响主要体现在浓度分布的变化,主要因素是壁面附近火焰传播速度的改变。
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关键词 富氢燃料气来流气体混合均匀性湍流射流火焰回火流场特性    
Abstract:[Objective] Modern gas turbine combustors often adopt premixed combustion technology for lower NO[WTBX]x emissions. In premixed combustion, the flame flashback is an important issue, particularly for hydrogen-rich fuels burned in micromix burners. The combustible gas in the micromix burner is mixed near the burner nozzle outlet, resulting in a nonuniform species mole fraction in micromix turbulent jets. This mixing-induced nonuniformity of the species deserves careful investigation for its impact on the flame flashback. [Methods] By designing four mixing modes (MM 1—4) of H2, CO, and air, this work experimentally studied the effect of gas flow mixing conditions on the flashback characteristics of turbulent premixed jet flames. MM 1: H2, CO, and air directly enter the nozzle through a straight tube. MM 2: H2 and CO flow into a section of PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) pipe through a tee joint and then mix with air through a straight tube. MM 3: H2, CO, and air directly enter the nozzle through a Venturi tube. MM 4: H2, CO, and air enter a chamber equipped with flow conditioning components (sintered metal plate, glass balls, etc.) and then enter the nozzle through a Venturi tube. From MM 1 to MM 4, the degree of the corresponding mixing uniformity of H2, CO, and air increased. The flashback phenomenon is captured using a high-speed camera integrat with the schlieren method. The flow field near the burner exit is measured using particle image velocimetry. [Results] The results showed that the onset of the flame flashback at different fuel/air mixing modes always occures near the burner wall, similar to the classical “boundary layer flashback” phenomenon. High-speed camera images indicated that the near-stoichiometric premixed flame was blue, surrounded by a diffusion flame layer before flashback. For the worst mixing mode, the region of this diffusion flame layer where the flashback starts appeared orange, indicating higher hydrogen concentration in this region. Upon changing to better mixing conditions, the orange diffusion flame disappeared, and the starting point of the flashback was not specific on one side. Under this fuel-lean condition, no surrounding diffusion flame layer appeared, and thus the mixing uniformity could not be directly evaluated through the flame color. As the mixing uniformity was improved, the flashback velocity decreased. The velocity distributions near the burner exit at different mixing modes were top hat-shaped, suggesting that the influence of the mixing conditions on the velocity distribution was unclear. [Conclusions] The mixing-induced nonuniformity of the species has little effect on the flame flashback mechanism. Schlieren images clearly distinguish the onset and position of the flashback. The flashback process observed from schlieren images agrees well with the high-speed camera result. The flashback flow velocity differs among mixing modes, and the flashback is more likely to occur when the mixing condition is worse. The effect of mixing conditions on the flashback is mainly due to the change in the flame propagation speed near the burner rim. The results of this study shed light on the antiflashback burner design.
Key wordshydrogen-rich gaseous fuel    fuel/air mixing uniformity    turbulent jet flame    flashback    flow field characteristics
收稿日期: 2022-10-12      出版日期: 2023-04-22
通讯作者: 张扬,副教授,     E-mail:
作者简介: 李丹(1991-),女,博士研究生。
李丹, 吕海陆, 张扬, 张海, 周托, 吕俊复. 来流预混均匀性对湍流射流火焰回火特性的影响[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(4): 560-571.
LI Dan, Lü Hailu, ZHANG Yang, ZHANG Hai, ZHOU Tuo, Lü Junfu. Effect of gas flow mixing uniformity on the flashback characteristics of turbulent jet flames. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(4): 560-571.
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