Low-carbon-oriented pricing strategy of multi-mode transportation service
WANG Yue1, YAO Enjian1,2, HAO He1
1. School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Big Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Abstract:[Objective] Optimising travel structure, improving travel efficiency, and reducing transport carbon emissions are essential paths to green and low-carbon transport development. Research into fine-grained carbon management has received much attention in recent years. However, the implementation is complex, and setting a price on carbon estimation tends to elicit negative feelings from travellers. [Methods] In the concept of mobility as a service (MaaS), the service can provide an end-to-end travel service by the combination of multi-transport modes, including roads and public transport, as well as many new forms of transportation. Thus, the service provider can realise flexible price adjustments for multi-transport modes and sections in a single trip. Consequently, this paper proposes a low-carbon-oriented pricing strategy for the service provider. From the different perspectives of the MaaS servicer, travellers and the environment, we propose a multi-objective optimisation model. The object includes maximising service providers' revenue and minimising network travel time and transportation network carbon emissions. The model is a two-layer planning model. The upper layer of the model is the process of finding decision variables to calculate the objective function. The lower layer is the joint traffic mode and route choice process, as well as traffic equilibrium allocation in a multi-modal transportation network. In this model, the joint choice of mode and route of travellers depends on the upper-layer decision variables. Then, to solve the above optimisation problem, the reference point based non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-Ⅲ) and the method of successive algorithm (MSA) are introduced. [Results] The case study was conducted on an example network with 1 origin-destination pair, 16 sections in 3 traffic modes (travel by car, bus, and metro), and 6 nodes. Three representative strategies of Pareto solutions were selected, including optimise service provider benefits (OP-S), optimise network travel time (OP-T), and optimise transportation carbon emissions (OP-C). Furthermore, the original (OR) state was also presented as the background. The result showed that the travel price significantly increased in OP-S, which was unfriendly to travellers. In contrast, OP-T and OP-C were respectively metro-friendly and public transport-friendly strategies. Compared with the OR state, service benefits and carbon emissions were optimised, which means that the service provider could achieve emission reductions in multi-modal transport networks while ensuring their own profitability through rationalised regulation of service pricing. The traffic volume analysis also proved that the service provider could optimise the network travel mode structure, thereby reducing road congestion and increasing the share of public transport. By comparing the results of the optimisation strategies under different demands, we found that with the travel demand increased, the service provider benefits continued to grow (especially in OP-S). Although traffic carbon emissions increased, the optimisations could always reduce the traffic carbon emissions of the system. [Conclusions] This paper validates the feasibility of travel service pricing strategies in multi-modal network traffic optimisation and low-carbon transport development. Service providers should not only seek to maximise their own revenue but also take into account the cost of travel and its impact on the transport environment and take responsibility for the coordination and reduction of transport system emissions. This paper identifies the profitability and responsibilities of travel service providers in the green and low-carbon development of transport and provides a basis for service pricing strategies.
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