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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2015, Vol. 55 Issue (1): 128-133    
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Effect of suppression criterion on the tuning characteristics of stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission suppression tuning curves
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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为了研究不同抑制准则值对刺激频率耳声发射抑制调谐曲线(stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission suppression tuning curves, SFOAE STCs)调谐特性的影响,该文测试了10名听力正常受试者在1、 2、 4kHz中心频率下,不同抑制准则值的SFOAE STCs, 并提取其特征参数: 调谐曲线品质因数(Q10)、 10dB带宽(BW10)、 顶点纵坐标偏移量等,运用统计学方差分析(analysis of variance, ANOVA)的方法进行抑制准则值对SFOAE STCs的特征参数的显著性水平分析。结果表明: 抑制准则值对SFOAE STCs调谐特性无显著影响,但是,随着抑制准则值的增大, SFOAE STCs更为尖锐,即其调谐特性更为敏锐。

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关键词 抑制准则值调谐特性品质因数(Q10)10dB带宽(BW10)刺激频率耳声发射抑制调谐曲线(SFOAE STCs)    

The effect of the suppression criterion on the tuning characteristic of stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission suppression tuning curves (SFOAE STCs) was studied for various suppression criteria of 1, 2, 4 kHz center frequencies with 10 normal hearing subjects. Characteristic parameters, such as quality factor (Q10)、10 dB bandwidth (BW10) and the level of tip, were extracted to evaluate the effect of the suppression criterion on the characteristic parameters using the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The significance of the characteristic parameters of the SFOAE STCs for the different suppression criteria with the 10 subjects shows that the suppression criteria have no significant effect on the SFOAE STCs tuning characteristic. However, the SFOAE STCs are more sharply tuned with larger suppression criteria.

Key wordssuppression criterion    tuning characteristic    quality factor (Q10)    10 dB bandwidth (BW10)    stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission suppression tuning curves (SFOAE STCs)
收稿日期: 2013-12-30      出版日期: 2015-01-20
王瑶,宫琴. 抑制准则值对刺激频率耳声发射抑制调谐曲线调谐特性的影响[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(1): 128-133.
Yao WANG,Qin GONG. Effect of suppression criterion on the tuning characteristics of stimulus frequency otoacoustic emission suppression tuning curves. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2015, 55(1): 128-133.
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  SFOAE STCs检测的实验流程图
  SFOAE STCs记录的系统框图
  受试者1在不同抑制准则值时的SFOAE STCs
  在不同抑制准则值时所有受试者SFOAE STCs的Q10的平均值的变化趋势图
受试者 抑制准则值 / dB
-3 -6 -10.6
1 2.9074 3.0755 3.2945
2 2.5245 2.5056 3.0780
3 2.8519 3.5489 3.7652
4 3.2010 3.3395 3.9944
5 2.1283 2.3239 2.7113
6 3.6139 5.0769 3.7133
7 4.8187 4.2286 4.8355
8 2.7664 3.6580 4.8797
9 2.6150 2.8071 3.0402
10 2.7302 3.0546 3.6461
  中心频率为1kHz时在不同抑制准则值时所有受试者SFOAE STCs的Q10
受试者 抑制准则值/dB
-3 -6 -10.6
1 5.4073 5.1235 6.1823
2 3.7196 4.4412 4.5568
3 2.4203 2.5892 1.9333
4 2.9016 3.8866 4.0412
5 3.0664 4.1603 3.4476
6 2.7738 4.3679 5.7279
7 3.6329 4.5488 3.8779
8 2.9915 3.0107 3.5206
9 2.6025 2.9462 4.2763
10 6.1182 6.3084 5.2676
  中心频率为2kHz时在不同抑制准则值时所有受试者SFOAE STCs的Q10
受试者 抑制准则值 / dB
-3 -6 -10.6
1 3.4869 4.2256 4.6828
2 4.9225 5.2744 5.0175
3 4.1776 4.2666 4.1865
4 5.4881 4.8581 4.5219
5 5.7544 4.2249 6.0226
6 4.8005 4.6819 5.4292
7 3.6492 5.2477 6.5084
8 3.8705 3.6510 5.2091
9 4.7854 5.3943 6.2729
10 5.6114 5.2855 5.0176
  中心频率为4kHz时在不同抑制准则值时所有受试者SFOAE STCs的Q10
  在不同抑制准则值时所有受试者SFOAE STCs的BW10的平均值的变化趋势图
  在不同抑制准则值时SFOAE STCs的顶点纵坐标的均值与标准差的变化
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