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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2015, Vol. 55 Issue (1): 93-97    
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2. 爱尔兰国立高威大学 工程与信息学院, 土木工程系, 高威, 爱尔兰
Pilot study of the thermal hydrolysis of excess waste sludge at low temperatures
Jing WU1(),Yan JIANG1,2,Zhiping CAO1,Guangqi WANG1,Jiane ZUO1,Kaijun WANG1
1. State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control, School of Environment,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
2. Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering and Informatics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
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中国污泥有机物质量比低,厌氧消化速率慢、产气少, 60℃左右的热水解是改善措施之一。该文在热水解罐中进行了剩余污泥低温热水解的中试研究,采用热泵供热。对水力停留时间(HRT)、 温度(T)、 污泥含固率和有机物质量比(CVSS/CSS)等对剩余污泥低温热水解的影响以及重要性进行了分析。试验结果表明: 低温热水解的最佳工艺条件为: HRT为1 d, 温度54~60℃,污泥含固率3%。加碱可以促进水解,当污泥含固率5%时,调节pH到10可使VSS去除率和有机物溶出率分别增加46.8%和100%。正交试验结果表明: 温度、污泥含固率和有机物质量比都是热水解的关键影响因素,各因素对VSS去除率和有机物溶出率影响的重要性顺序一致,由大到小的顺序为: 污泥含固率、温度、有机物质量比。在最佳工况下,剩余污泥低温热水解后进行中温(35℃)厌氧消化,消化时间10d的情况下,沼气产量比未低温热水解时增加44%。

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关键词 剩余污泥热水解中温厌氧消化正交试验含固率    

With low organic matter content, sludge in China has low reaction rates and low biogas production rates. Thermal hydrolysis at about 60 ℃ will enhance the digestion. Thermal hydrolysis of excess sludge at low temperatures was conducted in thermal tanks with a heat pump as a heat source. The effects of hydraulic retention time (HRT), temperature (T), solid content and organic matter ratio (CVSS/CSS) of the sludge on thermal hydrolysis were analyzed. The results showed that the optimal operating conditions for thermal hydrolysis was HRT=1 d, T=54-60℃, and a solid content=3%. Adding alkalis enhanced the hydrolysis, with a solid content of 5%, NaOH was added to increase the pH to 10 to increase the VSS removal rate by 46.8% and the solution rate of organic substances by 100%. Orthogonal experiments indicated that the temperature, solid content and CVSS/CSS were all crucial to the VSS removal rate and the solution rate of the organic matter. The solid content had the largest effect followed by the temperature and CVSS/CSS. The biogas production rate of the sludge hydrolyzed with optimal conditions during 10 days anaerobic digestion at 35℃ was 44% higher than that of sludge without hydrolysis.

Key wordsexcess waste sludge    thermal hydrolysis    anaerobic digestion    orthogonal experiment    solid content
收稿日期: 2013-02-01      出版日期: 2015-01-20
基金资助:国家 “八六三” 高技术项目 (2009AA064702);国家自然科学基金资助项目 (91334112,51061130555)
吴静,姜艳,曹知平,王广启,左剑恶,王凯军. 剩余污泥低温热水解中试[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(1): 93-97.
Jing WU,Yan JIANG,Zhiping CAO,Guangqi WANG,Jiane ZUO,Kaijun WANG. Pilot study of the thermal hydrolysis of excess waste sludge at low temperatures. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2015, 55(1): 93-97.
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取值 质量浓度/(mg·L-1) r*/% 质量浓度/(g·L-1) 有机物质量比
取值范围 17145~64636 42~326 0.01~1.04 9.63~58.46 4.32~35.21 0.41~0.57
平均值 30984 131 0.45 33.31 18.11 0.52
因素的水平 温度/℃ 含固率/% CVSS/CSS
1 50~53 1 0.43~0.50
2 54~60 3 0.51~0.56
3 61~65 5
评价指标 方差来源 平方和SE 自由度f 均方S F P
VSS去除率/% 温度 185.790 2 92.895 9.858 0.000
含固率 1038.910 2 519.455 55.127 0.000
CVSS/CSS 260.964 1 260.964 27.695 0.000
误差 1517.078 161 9.423
有机物溶出率/(gSCOD·gVSS-1) 温度 0.080 2 0.040 15.145 0.000
含固率 0.425 2 0.212 80.150 0.000
CVSS/CSS 0.026 1 0.026 9.902 0.002
误差 0.419 158 0.003
评价指标 项目 温度/℃ 含固率/% CVSS/CSS
VSS去除率/% 水平1均值K1 16.56 12.43 18.61
水平2均值K2 21.35 21.37 21.59
水平3均值K3 20.35 22.25
极差R 4.78 9.82 2.98
有机物溶出率/(gSCOD·gVSS-1) 水平1均值K1 0.200 0.313 0.210
水平2均值K2 0.223 0.257 0.240
水平3均值K3 0.277 0.154
极差R 0.077 0.159 0.030
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