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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2015, Vol. 55 Issue (10): 1051-1055    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2015.22.021
  机械工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
李克俭, 蔡志鹏, 李轶非, 胡梦佳, 潘际銮
清华大学 机械工程系, 北京 100084
Influence of long-term aging at elevated temperature on welds with carbon migration
LI Kejian, CAI Zhipeng, LI Yifei, HU Mengjia, PAN Jiluan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 该文以采用9%Cr含B铁素体耐热钢为母材、2.25%Cr为填充金属的接头为对象, 研究了高温时效过程对接头中的碳迁移层及其附近区域的影响。研究发现: 经高温时效后, 接头富碳区中的析出物发生粗化且数量增多, 而贫碳区中析出物变化不大, 导致贫/富碳层的硬度差异增大。有限元计算结果表明: 在接头受载情况下, 贫碳区会成为首先破坏的部位, 并且高温时效会加剧这种破坏。透射电镜(TEM)结果表明: 9%Cr含B钢热影响区(HAZ)中的晶界析出物在时效后粗化不明显, 而晶内析出物则发生了明显的粗化, 这主要是由于B在晶界聚集并通过占据析出物周围的空位阻碍了析出物粗化。
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关键词 9%Cr含B钢高温时效碳迁移析出物硬度有限元分析    
Abstract:This study uses 9%Cr parent metal containing boron and 2.25%Cr weld metal to study the influence of long-term aging at elevated temperature on the carbon migration between the parent metal and weld metal. The size and number of precipitates in the carbon-enriched zone increase after long-term aging, but the precipitates in the carbon-denuded zone change little, which increases the differences in the mechanical properties between the carbon-enriched and carbon-denuded zones. Finite element analyses indicate that the carbon-denuded zone is damaged first by bearing loads with the damage increasing with long-term aging. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) pictures show that the precipitates at the grain boundaries of the heat affected zone in the 9%Cr parent metal change little, but precipitates inside the grains become coarse after long-term aging. Boron is responsible for the changes of the precipitates at grain boundaries and inside the grains, because the boron tends to segregate at the grain boundaries, which slows coarsening of the precipitates by occupying vacancies around the precipitates.
Key words9%Cr steel containing boron    long-term aging at elevated temperature    carbon migration    precipitates    hardness    finite element analysis
收稿日期: 2014-12-05      出版日期: 2015-10-15
ZTFLH:  TG401  
通讯作者: 蔡志鹏,副研究员,   
作者简介: 李克俭(1989-),男(汉),河北,博士研究生。
李克俭, 蔡志鹏, 李轶非, 胡梦佳, 潘际銮. 长期高温时效对有碳迁移发生的焊接接头的影响[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(10): 1051-1055.
LI Kejian, CAI Zhipeng, LI Yifei, HU Mengjia, PAN Jiluan. Influence of long-term aging at elevated temperature on welds with carbon migration. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2015, 55(10): 1051-1055.
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  表1 母材与焊缝各化学成分质量分数
  图1 焊接接头整体示意图
  图2 接头碳迁移层附近区域金相
  图3 高温时效前后碳迁移层附近区域的硬度分布
  图4 时效前后富/贫碳区析出物分布
  图5 紧凑拉伸试样的有限元模型
  表2 时效前后接头各区域的力学性能参数
  图6 裂纹尖端塑性应变分布
  图7 时效前后的塑性应变分布对比
  图8 时效前后晶界与晶内析出物的TEM 图像
  图9 B原子延缓析出物粗化过程的机理图
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