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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2015, Vol. 55 Issue (6): 604-611    
  水利水电工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
杨文宇1, 李哲1, 倪广恒1, 洪阳1, Ali Zahraei2
1. 清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室, 北京 100084, 中国;
2. 美国国家海洋和大气管理局 合作遥感科学与技术中心, 纽约 NY 10031, 美国
Evaluation of a radar-based storm nowcasting method in the Three Gorges
YANG Wenyu1, LI Zhe1, NI Guangheng1, HONG Yang1, Ali Zahraei2
1. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology Center, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, New York NY 10031, USA
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摘要 基于网格追踪的临近预报外推(pixel-based nowcasting, PBN)算法能够预报降雨的平移、旋转和变形。为了评价该算法在长江三峡地区的应用效果, 该文利用三峡万县S波段雷达2010年汛期观测到的11场典型降雨过程, 采用相关系数、探测率、误报率、临界成功指数等4种评价指标对PBN算法进行验证。结果显示: 对于全部11场降雨, 该算法1小时预报结果与实际观测的相关系数接近0.6, 整体预报效果较好。在针对4场典型降雨的分析中所有4个指标均表明: PBN算法对独立且相对稳定的大面积层状降雨预报效果最好, 对包含多个对流型雨团生成与消亡的降雨预报效果最差。
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Ali Zahraei
关键词 临近预报天气雷达精度评估    
Abstract:A pixel-based nowcasting algorithm (PBN) was applied at the Three Gorges Region to forecast the rainfall in the short-term. During the 2010 summer, 11 rainfall events gathered with radar were used to evaluate the algorithm performance with four performance statistics including the correlation coefficient, probability of detection, false alarm ratio and critical success indes. The correlation coefficient of the one-hour forecast results is close to 0.6, which suggests that the PBN algorithm effectively tracks and predicts rainfall events within an hour of their occurrence. An analysis of four rainfall events using these performance statistics suggested that the PBN algorithm is a promising nowcasting platform for typical stratiform rainfall events over a large area. However, the algorithm still cannot accurately forecast rainfall with several convective centers.
Key wordsnowcasting    weather radar    accuracy assessment
收稿日期: 2014-06-22      出版日期: 2015-06-15
ZTFLH:  TV111.3  
通讯作者: 倪广恒,教授,     E-mail:
杨文宇, 李哲, 倪广恒, 洪阳, Ali Zahraei. 基于天气雷达的长江三峡暴雨临近预报方法及其精度评估[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(6): 604-611.
YANG Wenyu, LI Zhe, NI Guangheng, HONG Yang, Ali Zahraei. Evaluation of a radar-based storm nowcasting method in the Three Gorges. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2015, 55(6): 604-611.
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  表1 万县S波段天气雷达的基本参数[5]
  表2 降雨事件二元分类预测示意
  图1 4场代表性降雨过程初始时刻雷达反射率空间分布(2010年)
  表3 全部11场降雨不同预报时段相关系数
  图2 预报值与观测值的相关系数随预见期变化图
  图3 降雨过程的探测率随预见期变化图
  图4 降雨过程的误报率随预见期变化图
  图5 降雨过程的临界成功指数随预见期变化图
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