LONG Bin1,2, LI Junli1, WANG Qunshu2, FENG Shujuan2, ZHOU Guoqing2, FENG Tiancheng2, ZHANG Yang2, XU Ming2, TIAN Yanjie2, MA Huaicheng2
1. Key Laboratory of Particle and Radiation Imaging of Ministry of Education, Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology, Xi'an 710024, China
Abstract:Adsorption and separation by carbon molecular sieves is improves the detection sensitivity of radio xenon measurements. However, the adsorption capability including the adsorption column volume and the gas recovery are influenced by the CO2 in the air. Therefore, the CO2 must be removed before the xenon adsorption. This study analyzed CO2 removal by zeolite molecular sieves for various operating conditions. The results show that the 13XHP zeolite molecular sieve more effectively removes CO2 than the other adsorbents and that the CO2 temperature and volume fraction are the most important of fact affecting the adsorption performances. The inlet pressure and flow rate have less effect on the adsorption of CO2 by 13XHP for how rates of 564-2 015 mL/min and pressures of 103-353 kPa.
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