Effect of speaking rate on the formant dynamics of triphthongs
CAO Honglin1,2,3, WANG Yujing4, LI Jingyang3,5
1. Collaborative Innovation Center of Judicial Civilization, Beijing 100088, China;
2. Key Laboratory of Evidence Science China University of Political Science and Law, Ministry of Education, Beijing 100088, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Intelligent Speech Technology, Ministry of Public Security, Beijing 100038, China;
4. Control Commission of Chaoyang District, Beijing 100026, China;
5. Ministry of Public Security Evidence Identification Center, Beijing 100038, China
Abstract:This study investigates the individual differences in the formant dynamics for four Chinese triphthongs/iau/,/iou/,/uai/and/uei/produced by thirty male subjects aged 18 to 28 years old at three different speaking rates (fast/normal/slow). The formant dynamics are described by cubic polynomial fits. The objective is to be able to discriminate between different speakers. The results show that the discriminant abilities vary for different speaking rates. Specifically, the fast speech has the best discrimination (76.7%), followed by the normal (69.5%) and slow (70.3%) speech. The triphthong discrimination ability decreases when the speaking speeds are differ, with "fast + slow" speeds giving the worst discrimination (48.0%). In all cases,/iau/more easily identifies different speakers than the other three triphthongs. Therefore, the formant dynamics of triphthongs with the same or similar speaking rates can be used to more easily distinguish different speakers.
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