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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2018, Vol. 58 Issue (1): 101-107    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.22.013
  水利水电工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
杨明祥1, 王浩1, 蒋云钟1, 雷晓辉1, 宋健蛟2
1. 中国水利水电科学研究院 流域水循环模拟与调控国家重点实验室, 北京 100038;
2. 中国电建集团 成都勘测设计研究院有限公司, 成都 610072
Numerical simulations of the wind energy resources in the Yalong River area
YANG Mingxiang1, WANG Hao1, JIANG Yunzhong1, LEI Xiaohui1, SONG Jianjiao2
1. State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038, China;
2. Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited, POWERCHINA, Chengdu 610072, China
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摘要 针对传统评估手段在大范围风能资源评估中的不足,基于数值天气模式,从2000至2016年再分析资料中获得了雅砻江流域近17年的高分辨率风速模拟资料,并对雅砻江全流域风能资源进行了初步评估。评估内容主要包括平均风速空间分布、风功率密度空间分布、风速年内分布以及年风能可利用小时空间分布等。初步掌握了雅砻江流域风能资源的时空特征,分析结果表明:流域内存在一定比例的风能资源富集区,如宁蒗河与敢鱼河之间、甘孜所在经度线两侧、安宁河谷等成片区域。该研究为进一步的风能资源详查与实地观测提供了依据。
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关键词 数值模拟风能资源评估雅砻江流域    
Abstract:Large scale wind energy resources are difficult to accurately assess. This study uses a numerical weather prediction model and wind data from 2000 to 2016 to calculate the wind speeds in the Yalong River area for about 17 years. The wind energy resources in the Yalong River area are assessed in terms of the spatial distribution of the average wind speed, the spatial distribution of the wind energy density, the annual distribution of the wind speed, and the temporal and spatial distribution of the annual exploitable wind energy. The analyses give the temporal and spatial features of the wind energy resources in the Yalong River area. There are several wind resource rich regions in the Yalong River area, such as the region near the longitude line of Ganzi, the region between the Ninglang River and the Ganyu River, and the Anning River valley. These results can be used for site selection for wind energy resources.
Key wordsnumerical simulation    wind resource assessment    Yalong River area
收稿日期: 2017-03-29      出版日期: 2018-01-15
ZTFLH:  TK81  
杨明祥, 王浩, 蒋云钟, 雷晓辉, 宋健蛟. 基于数值模拟的雅砻江流域风能资源初步评估[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 58(1): 101-107.
YANG Mingxiang, WANG Hao, JIANG Yunzhong, LEI Xiaohui, SONG Jianjiao. Numerical simulations of the wind energy resources in the Yalong River area. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2018, 58(1): 101-107.
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  图1 7 0#测风塔小时平均风速与模拟数据对比
  图2 7 2#测风塔小时平均风速与模拟数据对比
  图3 7 0#测风塔小时平均风速频率分布与模拟数据对比
  图4 7 2#测风塔小时平均风速频率分布与模拟数据对比
  图5 雅砻江流域7 0m 高度处2 0 0 0—2 0 1 6年平均风速分布
  图6 雅砻江流域7 0m 高度处风功率密度分布
  图7 雅砻江流域7 0m 高度处风速年内分布
  图8 雅砻江流域7 0m 高度处年风能可利用小时分布
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