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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2018, Vol. 58 Issue (12): 1059-1065    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.21.022
  计算机科学与技术 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
李建江1, 滑水亮2, 吴杰3, 张凯1
1. 北京科技大学 计算机科学与技术系, 北京 100083, 中国;
2. 国家电网张家口供电公司信通分公司, 张家口 075000, 中国;
3. 天普大学 计算机与信息科学系, 费城 19122, 美国
Performance optimization algorithm for MapReduce based on obtaining frequent keys
LI Jianjiang1, HUA Shuiliang2, WU Jie3, ZHANG Kai1
1. Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China;
2. State Grid Zhangjiakou Power Supply Company & Telecommunication Branch, Zhangjiakou 075000, China;
3. Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Temple University, Philadelphia 19122, USA
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摘要 在云计算技术领域中,MapReduce能够帮助人们快速处理海量数据,因此在学术界以及工业界越来越受到重视。但是MapReduce在处理以文本为中心的应用时,中间结果中数据重复较多。针对该情况,已有的高频率缓冲(frequency buffering,FB)算法提出在环形内存缓冲之前添加哈希表,并将高频率键存储在哈希表中。该算法通过采样来实现,有额外开销并且统计出的高频率键并不一定准确。该文提出一种基于动态获取高频率键的MapReduce性能优化算法,通过在环形内存缓冲之前增加计数Bloom过滤器(counting Bloom filter,CBF)和哈希表,将高频率键动态地存储在哈希表中。该算法获得的高频率键更准确,同时大大减少了数据排序和磁盘I/O的开销。实际测试结果表明:该算法明显提高了作业的执行速度,比原始MapReduce提高17.04%,比FB算法提高9.31%。
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关键词 MapReduce高频率键性能优化计数Bloom过滤器    
Abstract:MapReduce is getting much attention in academia and industry for use in cloud computing to quickly deal with huge amounts of data. However, when MapReduce deals with text-centric applications, the algorithm generates is large amount of duplicate data in the intermediate results that increases the run time. A frequency buffering (FB) algorithm was used to add a Hash table before the ring memory to store frequent keys in a Hash table. However, since the algorithm is implemented by sampling, the algorithm may not accurately estimate the overhead and the frequent keys. Therefore, this study added a performance optimization algorithm to MapReduce to obtain the frequent keys by adding a counting Bloom filter (CBF) and a Hash table to dynamically filter the frequent keys before storing them in the ring memory. This algorithm more accurately identifies the frequent keys and greatly reduces the data sorting overhead and the disk I/O. Tests show that this performance optimization algorithm for MapReduce for obtaining the frequent keys significantly improves the execution speed by 17.04% compared to the original MapReduce and 9.31% higher than the frequency buffering algorithm.
Key wordsMapReduce    frequent key    performance optimization    counting Bloom filter
收稿日期: 2018-06-19      出版日期: 2018-12-13
通讯作者: 张凯,硕士研究生,     E-mail:
李建江, 滑水亮, 吴杰, 张凯. 基于动态获取高频率键的MapReduce性能优化算法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 58(12): 1059-1065.
LI Jianjiang, HUA Shuiliang, WU Jie, ZHANG Kai. Performance optimization algorithm for MapReduce based on obtaining frequent keys. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2018, 58(12): 1059-1065.
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  图1 本文提出的优化算法
  图2 CBF中元素的增加
  图3 TCBP 算法伪代码
  图4 DCBH 算法伪代码
  表1 实验环境
  图5 流经 CBF和哈希表的数据占比对 本文优化程序运行时间的影响
  图6 3种 MapReduce程序的运行时间对比
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