Abstract:With the increase in the number of non-geostationary orbit (NGSO) satellite systems, the interference between NGSO satellite systems using the same frequency has become increasingly prominent. Because of the large number and time-vary relative motion of NGSO systems, the traditional interference analysis methods and evaluation index, which are aiming for geostationary orbit (GSO) satellite systems, are no longer suitable for NGSO scene. Based on the relevant rules and recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union, this paper establishes a mathematical model of the interference analysis for non-geostationary satellite systems, and proposes a link angle probabilistic analysis method for satellite constellation interference analysis. Aiming at the complicated features such as the large number of satellites consisting of NGSO constellations and the changing temporal and spatial relationship, the scheme of NGSO constellation global interference analysis is given. The probability calculation method of harmful interference between satellite constellations and the index of satellite constellation usability are proposed. On the basis of the actual satellite network data, taking OneWeb system and O3b system as an example, the range of the link angle of the interference protection between the satellite systems is calculated. The angle of the satellite link, the interference state and the probability distribution of the availability ratio on a global scale are given, provides a means for NGSO constellation interference analysis.
靳瑾, 李娅强, 张晨, 匡麟玲, 晏坚. 全球动态场景下非静止轨道通信星座干扰发生概率和系统可用性[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 58(9): 833-840.
JIN Jin, LI Yaqiang, ZHANG Chen, KUANG Linling, YAN Jian. Occurrence probability of co-frequency interference and system availability of non-geostationary satellite system in global dynamic scene. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2018, 58(9): 833-840.
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