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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (1): 28-35    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.049
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宋宇波, 杨慧文, 武威, 胡爱群, 高尚
东南大学 信息科学与工程学院, 南京 211189
Joint DDoS detection system based on software-defined networking
SONG Yubo, YANG Huiwen, WU Wei, HU Aiqun, GAO Shang
School of Information Science and Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China
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摘要 分布式拒绝服务(distributed denial-of-service,DDoS)攻击已成为网络安全的最大威胁之一。传统的对抗方式如入侵检测、流量过滤和多重验证等,受限于静态的网络架构,存在明显的缺陷。软件定义网络(software-defined networking,SDN)作为一种新型动态网络体系,其数控分离、集中控制与动态可编程等特性颠覆了现有的网络架构,为对抗DDoS攻击提供了新的思路。现有基于SDN的DDoS防护方案处于研究的起步阶段,且存在较多问题。针对现有方案中检测周期过小将导致系统开销大的问题,该文提出由触发检测和深度检测相结合的DDoS联合检测方案,将低开销、粗粒度的触发检测算法与高精度、细粒度的深度检测算法相结合,在保障高检测精度的前提下降低了系统的复杂度;同时,在Mininet平台上实现了基于SDN的DDoS攻击检测系统,设计实验对系统进行测试和评估。实验结果表明:该系统具有开销小、检测准确率高的特性,实用价值较强。
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关键词 分布式拒绝服务攻击软件定义网络异常检测集成学习    
Abstract:Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which are becoming increasingly serious, have become one of the biggest threats to network security. Traditional defense mechanisms such as instruction detection, traffic filtering and multiple authentication are limited to static networks, which leads to obvious drawbacks. Software-defined networking (SDN) is a typical dynamic network that provides defenses against DDoS. The existing SDN-based DDoS protection solutions are still in development with many problems that need improvement. A DDoS detection scheme combined with trigger detection and in-depth detection is given here to shorten the detection period with low system overhead. A low-overhead, coarse-grained trigger detection algorithm is integrated with a precise, fine-grained, in-depth detection algorithm to reduce system complexity while ensuring high detection accuracy. An SDN DDoS detection system has been implemented on the Mininet platform to test and evaluate the system. The test show that the detection system has low system overhead, high detection accuracy, and strong practical value.
Key wordsdistributed denial-of-service attack    software-defined networking    anomaly detection    ensemble learning
收稿日期: 2018-06-10      出版日期: 2019-01-16
宋宇波, 杨慧文, 武威, 胡爱群, 高尚. 软件定义网络DDoS联合检测系统[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(1): 28-35.
SONG Yubo, YANG Huiwen, WU Wei, HU Aiqun, GAO Shang. Joint DDoS detection system based on software-defined networking. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(1): 28-35.
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  图1 联合检测系统架构
  表1 流表项计数器信息
  图2 改进的 CUSUM 算法流程
  表2 表征网络流量变化的典型特征
  图3 AdaBoost算法
  表3 表征网络流量变化的特征
  图4 胖树网络拓扑
  表4 4种实验类型
  表5 4种实验的检测精确度
  图5 攻击检测算法的归一化混淆矩阵
  图6 攻击检测算法的 ROC曲线
  表6 检测方案准确率对比
  图7 AdaBoost算法与改进的 CUSUM 算法的 CPU占用率
  图8 基于滑动时间窗的特征构造对判决时间的影响
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