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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (10): 785-795    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.21.024
  专题:电力系统 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
谷庆, 袁立强, 赵争鸣, 段任之, 陆子贤
清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系, 北京 100084
Performance comprehensive optimization of dual active bridge DC-DC converter based on triple phase shift control
GU Qing, YUAN Liqiang, ZHAO Zhengming, DUAN Renzhi, LU Zixian
Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 双有源桥DC-DC变换器(DAB)在三重移相(TPS)控制下拥有3个独立的控制自由度,通过移相自由度的合理组合可以减小DAB的电流应力,然而软开关分析表明,当DAB的电流应力处于最优状态时,系统的效率并不一定是最优的。该文在电流应力优化控制的基础上,提出一种同时考虑电流应力和效率的DAB性能综合优化方法。首先,基于DAB的开关组合规律建立了TPS控制下DAB的损耗模型,通过换流回路分析,对任意开关组合下功率半导体器件的通态损耗、开关损耗,磁性元件的铜耗和铁耗分别进行计算。在此基础上,引入效率优化权重,构建综合考虑电流应力和效率的优化目标函数,采用二维遍历算法寻优获得DAB综合性能最佳时的工作点。实验对比了单独优化电流应力或者效率时DAB的性能差异,通过合理选择效率优化权重,使得实验样机在传输6 kW功率时的效率绝对增加了0.83%,而电流应力只增加了0.5 A。该方法可以在基本不增加电流应力的前提下,有效提高DAB的效率。
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关键词 双有源桥DC-DC变换器三重移相控制电流应力效率综合优化    
Abstract:There are three independent control degrees of freedom in dual active bridge DC-DC converters (DAB) with triple phase shift (TPS) control. The current stress in a DAB can be reduced by a reasonable combination of changes in the phase shift degrees of freedom. However, soft switching analyses show that the system efficiency is not necessarily optimized when the DAB current stress is optimized. This paper presents a performance comprehensive optimization method that considers both the current stress and the efficiency based on current stress optimization control. Firstly, a DAB loss model for TPS control is developed based on the switching combination laws. A commutation loop analysis is used to separately predict the on-state losses and switching losses of the semiconductor devices and the copper losses and iron losses of the magnetic component for any combination of switches. Then, an efficiency optimization weight is introduced to construct the optimal objective function balancing the current stress and efficiency. A two-dimensional traversal algorithm is then used to optimize the DAB working point. The DAB performance is compared to measurements when the current stress or efficiency is optimized separately. Proper selection of the weight increased the prototype efficiency when transmitting 6 kW by 0.83% with the current stress only increased by 0.5 A. Thus, this method effectively improves the system efficiency without substantially increasing the current stress.
Key wordsdual active bridge DC-DC converter (DAB)    triple phase shift (TPS) control    current stress    efficiency    comprehensive optimization
收稿日期: 2019-03-21      出版日期: 2019-10-14
通讯作者: 袁立强,副研究员,     E-mail:
谷庆, 袁立强, 赵争鸣, 段任之, 陆子贤. 基于三重移相控制的双有源桥DC-DC变换器性能综合优化[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(10): 785-795.
GU Qing, YUAN Liqiang, ZHAO Zhengming, DUAN Renzhi, LU Zixian. Performance comprehensive optimization of dual active bridge DC-DC converter based on triple phase shift control. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(10): 785-795.
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  图1 DAB的拓扑结构图
  图2 三重移相控制下模式 D的主要波形
  图3 不同传输功率和电压转换比条件下DAB电流应力最小化时的工作模式
  图4 开关管S 的 ZVS开通过程
  图5 不同传输功率和电压转换比条件下电流应力最优工作点及模式 D的软开关范围
  图6 模式 D下的电流应力最优时的工作点处于软开关状态的范围
  图7 DAB的损耗构成
  图8 模式 D半个周期的模态分析
  表1 模式 D下的通态损耗分布
  表2 模式 D下的各器件的开通和关断情况
  图9 变压器和电感的整体等效电阻随频率变化
  图10 二维遍历算法的程序框图
  图11 UU=500V时效率或电流应力单独优化结果
  图1 2 不同效率优化权重下DAB的性能综合优化结果
  图13 DAB实验平台
  表3 实验平台的关键参数
  图14 (网络版彩图)UU=500V,P=6kW 条件下电流应力和效率单独优化时的实验结果
  图15 不同传输功率下效率或电流应力单独优化时的实验结果
  图16 不同效率优化权重下DAB的综合优化实验结果
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