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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (3): 219-227    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.055
  汽车工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
桂良进, 朱升发, 陈伟博, 周驰, 范子杰
清华大学 汽车工程系, 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Structure analysis and optimal design of corrugated cylindrical shells undergoing axial compression
GUI Liangjin, ZHU Shenfa, CHEN Weibo, ZHOU Chi, FAN Zijie
State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Department of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 波形套是一种两端为直壁段、中部为外凸波形区的回转圆柱壳体结构。其轴向压力-轴向压缩位移曲线具有明显的平台段,波形套常被用于轴承的预紧、冲击吸能等。因此,波形套的轴向特性研究具有重要的工程意义。该文利用有限元软件对波形套轴向压缩的工况进行了有限元模拟,得到了轴向力-位移曲线,讨论了波形套的几何参数对其轴向特性的影响;并通过轴向压缩实验与数值计算对比,对有限元模型进行检验。最后,在有限元计算的基础上,基于第二代非劣排序遗传算法对波形套的几何参数进行了多目标优化设计,最小化等效塑性应变和最大化轴向力平台的宽度,得到了多目标优化的Pareto解集,为波形套设计优化的工程应用奠定了良好的基础。
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关键词 波形套轴承预紧轴向力平台结构分析多目标优化    
Abstract:Corrugated sleeves are cylindrical shells with a special bulge in the central region, which are also called corrugated sleeves in automotive engineering. Both ends of the corrugated sleeve are straight. Corrugated sleeves have a distinct flat region in their axial force-compressive displacement curves. Corrugated sleeves with this axial load characteristic are used to preload bearings and absorb energy. Therefore, the axial characteristics are quite important in many designs. The axial compression of a corrugated sleeve was simulated here using the finite element method in ABAQUS with the results verified against tests. The axial force-displacement curves were predicted for various parameters to analyze the influence of the geometric parameters on the axial load characteristics. The FEA results were then used with multi-objective optimization to minimize the maximum equivalent plastic strain and maximize the platform width using the Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm Ⅱ. This method can be used to optimize the designs of corrugated sleeves for various conditions.
Key wordscorrugated sleeve    bearing preload    axial force platform    structural analysis    multi-objective optimization
收稿日期: 2018-07-10      出版日期: 2019-03-19
桂良进, 朱升发, 陈伟博, 周驰, 范子杰. 波形套的轴向受压分析与优化设计[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(3): 219-227.
GUI Liangjin, ZHU Shenfa, CHEN Weibo, ZHOU Chi, FAN Zijie. Structure analysis and optimal design of corrugated cylindrical shells undergoing axial compression. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(3): 219-227.
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  图1 波形套结构
  表1 波形套的尺寸参数
  表2 材料数据
  图2 (网络版彩图)波形套轴向受压的轴对称有限元模型
  图3 波形套的轴向压力 轴向压缩量曲线
  图4 (网络版彩图)轴向应力及等效塑性应变云图
  图5 最大轴向力与厚度的关系
  图6 压缩实验
  图7 实验轴向力-位移曲线
  图8 实验与有限元计算轴向力-位移曲线
  表3 因子水平
  图9 (网络版彩图)最大塑性应变的主效应图
  图1 0 (网络版彩图)轴向力平台宽度的主效应图
  表4 设计变量的上下限值
  图 1 1 优化解集
  表5 部分 Pareto最优解
  表6 有限元结果与响应面对比
  图1 2 波形套多目标优化流程图
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