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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (5): 373-379    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.21.008
  水利水电工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
吕征1, 刘耀儒1, 程立2, 杨强1
1. 清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室, 北京 100084;
2. 水电水利规划设计总院, 北京 100120
Treatment schemes for bedrock deep grooves in high arch dam
LÜ Zheng1, LIU Yaoru1, CHENG Li2, YANG Qiang1
1. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, Beijing 100120, China
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摘要 中国某300 m级高拱坝在河段覆盖层之下存在一条基岩深槽,这使得该拱坝设计面临2种选择:对深槽进行基础回填混凝土处理;或者采用大开挖方式,将坝底高程设计在基岩深槽底部高程。该文建立了该高拱坝基础回填和基础大开挖2种设计方案的三维有限元模型,并基于变形加固理论,分析了2种方案在正常工况和超载下的位移、应力情况及塑性区扩展规律,并以不平衡力和塑性余能范数为评价标准,评价了2种方案的整体安全性。结果表明:2种方案在超载能力和整体稳定性上均达到要求,基础回填方案在坝体位移、应力及整体安全等方面优于大开挖方案。
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关键词 高拱坝基础回填大开挖整体稳定性不平衡力    
Abstract:The riverbed bedrock of a 300-m-high arch dam has a deep groove so the arch dam design must choose between filling this groove with concrete or excavating to the bottom of the groove. 3-D finite element models were developed for the concrete backfilling scheme and the deep excavation scheme. Deformation reinforcement theory (DRT) was then used to analyze the dam displacement, stresses and plastic zone extensions for both normal and overloaded conditions. The global stabilities of both schemes were evaluated based on the unbalanced force and the plastic complementary energy. The results show that both design schemes meet the requirements for the overloading capacity and global stability with the concrete backfilling scheme somewhat better than the deep excavation scheme in terms of the displacement, stresses and global stability of the arch dam.
Key wordshigh arch dams    foundation backfilling    deep excavation    global stability    unbalanced forces
收稿日期: 2018-11-22      出版日期: 2019-05-14
通讯作者: 刘耀儒,副教授,     E-mail:
吕征, 刘耀儒, 程立, 杨强. 高拱坝河床基岩深槽处理方案[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(5): 373-379.
LÜ Zheng, LIU Yaoru, CHENG Li, YANG Qiang. Treatment schemes for bedrock deep grooves in high arch dam. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(5): 373-379.
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  图1 某拱坝工程地质剖面图
  图2 两种方案坝体上游面对比图
  图3 研究方法示意图
  图4 整体模型及范围
  图5 基础回填方案坝体和回填示意图
  图6 基础大开挖方案坝体示意图
  图7 (网络版彩图) 断层和岩脉分布位置 及坝体网格位置
  表1 2种方案拱坝参数对比
  图8 拱冠梁下游坝面顺河向位移
  图9 2种方案上下游最大主拉、 压应力对比
  图10 3.5倍水载2种方案坝体下游面屈服区
  图11 3.5倍水载2种方案坝体建基面屈服区
  图12 2种方案坝踵不平衡力对比曲线
  图13 2种方案左、 右岸坝址不平衡力对比曲线
  图14 2种方案断层f11不平衡力对比曲线
  图15 2种方案断层fm8不平衡力对比曲线
  图16 2种方案坝体不平衡力对比曲线
  图17 2种方案坝体和塑性余能范数对比曲线
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