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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2019, Vol. 59 Issue (5): 409-416    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.25.057
  土木工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
万耀璘1, 徐晴雯1, 廖彬超1, 李潇潇2
1. 清华大学 土木水利学院, 建设管理系, 北京 100084;
2. 中国路桥工程有限责任公司, 北京 100010
Application and prospect of crowdsourcing in urban planning
WAN Yaolin1, XU Qingwen1, LIAO Pin-chao1, LI Xiaoxiao2
1. Department of Construction Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. China Road and Bridge Corporation, Beijing 100010, China
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摘要 合理的城市规划需要公众的参与。众包作为一种新兴的数据获取与分析方式,可以有效地促进公众参与,使城市规划更加科学合理。该文首先从城市规划对公众参与的要求出发,介绍了众包应用的必要性。其次,通过案例总结城市规划中亟需众包应用的环节,并且回顾了现有的众包技术:数据收集、清洗与分析。再次,针对现有的城市规划过程,指出未来可以应用众包的前景:1)与移动终端实时互动发挥数据清洗功能,以便基于更高质量的数据辅助城市规划; 2)以众包数据分析功能集成多元异构的数据,汲取公众反馈作为决策的基础。最后,该文指出政府需要进一步确定基于众包的决策范围与过程,以进一步发挥众包在城市规划中的效用。
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关键词 城市规划众包公众参与    
Abstract:Reasonable urban planning requires public participation. Crowdsourcing is an emerging data acquisition and information evaluation method that encourages public participation and makes urban planning more scientific. This article articulates the necessity of utilizing crowdsourcing for urban planning. Then, this study identifies the crowdsourcing phases for urban planning by summarizing several cases and reviewing existing crowdsourcing techniques for data collection, cleaning and analysis. This study then summarizes future research directions for crowdsourcing such as 1) data cleaning techniques need to be further developed for instant feedback to mobile terminals to provide high quality data for urban planning and 2) methods for integrating multisource data to extract feedback from the public as the basis for decision making. Lastly, this study shows that to effectively utilize crowdsourcing, governments should carefully define the study scope and process when implementing crowdsourcing.
Key wordsurban planning    crowdsourcing    public participation
收稿日期: 2018-07-05      出版日期: 2019-05-14
通讯作者: 廖彬超,副教授,     E-mail:
万耀璘, 徐晴雯, 廖彬超, 李潇潇. 众包在城市规划中的应用与展望[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(5): 409-416.
WAN Yaolin, XU Qingwen, LIAO Pin-chao, LI Xiaoxiao. Application and prospect of crowdsourcing in urban planning. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(5): 409-416.
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  图1 众包概念示意图
  表1 众包技术在城市规划项目中的应用案例
  图2 众包在城市规划中的应用概念框架
  图3 基于便携设备收集城市规划基础数据的众包模式
  图4 以多元异构数据作为城市规划参考的众包模式
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