Abstract:Fast calculations of area target visibility are important for satellite mission scheduling. This paper presents a fast simulation algorithm to compute the visibility of area targets by remote sensing satellites. A method was developed to judge the visibility of a ground point from a satellite based on the satellite's view field and the geometric relation between the satellite and the ground point. Then, the in-view period of a single point was obtained using large time step discretization and a binary search. The in-view period of all the discrete boundary points was then used to determine the visible time window for an area target. Numerical results show that the algorithm is efficient and accurate with the error between the algorithm and satellite tool kit (STK) predictions of aboutt 0.01 s.
鄂智博, 李俊峰. 遥感卫星对区域目标可见性的快速计算方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(9): 699-704.
E Zhibo, LI Junfeng. Fast simulation algorithm for area target visibility using remote sensing satellites. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(9): 699-704.
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