Rolling-type micro-vibration isolation mechanisms based on elastic contact
GUAN Gaofeng1, XU Dengfeng2, ZHU Yu1,2, YU Qiang1, LI Qiang3
1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China; 2. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 3. School of Engineering Information, Wuchang University of Technology, Wuhan 430223, China
Abstract:Modeling of rolling-type mechanisms for micro-vibration isolation is usually based on the assumption of rigid contact and pure rolling motion that leads to large errors in the measured and theoretical natural frequencies. This study presents a model using elastic contact with elastic deformation and micro-sliding between the contact surfaces that leads to a differential equation for the system motion based on Lagrange's equation to predict the natural frequency. Previous models have only contained structural parameters while this one also includes related material parameters. The analysis predicts natural frequencies that are larger than those in previous models because the elastic potential energy stored in the contact interfaces increases the total potential energy. The theoretical results agree much better with measurements with errors of less than 25% compared to previous models that had errors of 70%.
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