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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 62 Issue (12): 2043-2052    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.25.049
  环境科学 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
尹扬娜1,2, 刘子锐1,2, 胡波1,2, 王跃思1,2
1. 中国科学院 大气物理研究所,北京 100029;
2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
Recent progress on the mechanisms of new particle formation and growth in polluted atmospheres
YIN Yangna1,2, LIU Zirui1,2, HU Bo1,2, WANG Yuesi1,2
1. Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China;
2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
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摘要 新粒子生成(new particle formation,NPF)是大气颗粒物的一个重要来源,对全球气候、区域环境质量乃至人体健康均有重要影响。过去几十年,随着新粒子及前体物监测仪器的不断发展,国内外研究者开展了一系列的外场观测实验来关注不同大气环境下的NPF事件。自从在污染大气背景下频繁观测到NPF事件以来,高凝结汇(condensation sink,CS)下的新粒子成核和增长机制逐渐成为国际大气化学领域的研究热点。该文梳理了近年来污染地区——以中国超大城市为代表的NPF研究进展,重点阐述了NPF事件发生和发展特征、诱发因素、成核机制以及贡献新粒子增长的关键化学组分,并进一步探讨了与区域NPF事件相关的气候效应和环境影响,结合当前研究现状对未来开展污染背景下新粒子事件研究的发展方向进行了展望。
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关键词 大气颗粒物新粒子生成(NPF)污染地区成核机制颗粒物增长    
Abstract:New particle formation (NPF) events are a key source of atmospheric aerosols which then profoundly influence the global climate, regional environmental quality and even human health. With the continuous development of both new particle and precursor monitoring instruments in the past few years, the literature has various field observations of NPF events in various atmospheric environments. In particular, NPF has occasionally been observed in polluted atmospheres in recent years, so the mechanism of new particles nucleation and growth in high concentration condensation sinks (CS) have gradually become much interest. This paper summarizes recent studies of NPF events in polluted areas in China and worldwide which emphasize the occurrence and development characteristics and factors inducing NPF events. This review also describes the formation mechanisms and the key chemical components contributing to growth, the climate effect and environmental impact, and the future research directions of the NPF events in polluted atmospheres based on the current research.
Key wordsatmospheric particulates    new particle formation (NPF)    polluted areas    nucleation mechanism    particles growth
收稿日期: 2021-07-22      出版日期: 2022-11-10
尹扬娜, 刘子锐, 胡波, 王跃思. 污染背景下的大气新粒子生成事件研究进展[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(12): 2043-2052.
YIN Yangna, LIU Zirui, HU Bo, WANG Yuesi. Recent progress on the mechanisms of new particle formation and growth in polluted atmospheres. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(12): 2043-2052.
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