Modeling resident choices of residence, work locations and commutes in a two-city system for optimal urban design
LUO Sida1,2, LI Xiangyu1, WU Xianyu1,2, YIN Zhiwei1, XU Shuai1, KANG Liujiang1,2
1. School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Big Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport of Ministry of Transport, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
Abstract:Urban travel demands are rapidly growing in metropolitan areas as urbanization spreads in China. This paper studies how contributing factors such as income level, traffic congestion affect residents choices of work locations, residence locations and commutes in metropolitan areas. A social optimal model was developed with these choices to capture the trade-off between the agglomeration and congestion in a two-city system consisting of a big city and a small city. The boundary curve of the spatial distribution of inter-city commuters was obtained by analyzing the commuting cost in consideration of traffic congestion, and calculated the net income of the system which is contributed by both intra- and inter-city commuters. Thus, the model needs to show the effects of resident location, work location and commuting on the system which depend on income levels, commute costs, and housing costs.This urban optimization problem was designed as a nonlinear programming problem that gave the optimal spatial distribution of residential and work locations and the number of commuters between cities.An analysis of the Shanghai-Jiaxing two city system shows that the current Shanghai population is higher than the optimal population.The social welfare can be enhanced by encouraging more people working in Shanghai to live in surrounding small cities with intercity railway commutes.
罗斯达, 李翔宇, 吴先宇, 尹志伟, 徐帅, 康柳江. 双城系统居民职住选址与通勤的社会最优模型[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(7): 1186-1194.
LUO Sida, LI Xiangyu, WU Xianyu, YIN Zhiwei, XU Shuai, KANG Liujiang. Modeling resident choices of residence, work locations and commutes in a two-city system for optimal urban design. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(7): 1186-1194.
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