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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (11): 1878-1886    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.22.008
  建筑技术科学 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
刘依明, 许沛琪, 刘念雄
清华大学 建筑学院, 北京 100084
Thermal design and optimization of south-oriented combined external window for a typical office building in frigid plateau region
LIU Yiming, XU Peiqi, LIU Nianxiong
School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 为提升西藏高寒地区办公建筑的节能效果与室内使用品质,针对日喀则市某典型办公楼进行分析。借助DesignBuilder软件,对采用9种不同形式南向外窗设计的建筑案例进行建筑负荷、主要房间操作温度及热舒适的全年逐时模拟。该研究分析了各案例的性能差异,结果表明:断热桥铝合金6 mm单玻幕墙、6 mm透明+12 mm空气+6 mm透明的中空双层窗以及保温窗帘构成的组合式外窗,能够显著降低办公楼全年负荷,并提升主要房间的室内热舒适,可作为西藏高寒地区办公建筑南向外窗设计的优先选择。
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关键词 高寒地区组合式外窗太阳得热系数建筑负荷逐时操作温度热舒适    
Abstract:[Objective] Existing design standards for energy efficiency impose rigorous static restrictions on the shape coefficient and envelope performance of buildings. However, these requirements are incompatible with dynamic adjustment to real-time changes in the weather. Thus, the loss of energy-saving effect and indoor use quality of the building proffers the potential for improvement. Therefore, this study introduces the south-oriented combined external window design for buildings based on the principle of leap heat transfer. This design improves the solar heat gain during the daytime and the insulation performance at night, which is a feasible strategy to dynamically improve the indoor thermal environment and reduce the building load. However, the effect of this design strategy on the Tibetan plateau region still needs further investigation. To improve the energy efficiency and indoor usage quality of office buildings, this study takes a typical office building in Xigaze as the object to explore the more suitable design strategies for south-oriented external windows. [Methods] This study compares nine building cases with distinct south-oriented external window designs. By quantifying the differences in building performance induced by each window design, the most efficient south-oriented external window design in the Tibetan plateau region is identified. The triple-glazing low-E windows in the baseline case meet the thermal performance requirements. In the rest of the design cases, the external window components consist of a 6 mm glass curtain wall with heat-break bridge aluminum alloy, a normal insulating window or low-E insulating window composed of two pieces of 6 mm glass and 12 mm air interlayer, and an insulating cotton curtain. DesignBuilder 6.1 is used in this study to analyze the cool and heat loads, hourly operating temperature, and thermal comfort of the primary rooms in a dynamic simulation throughout the year. Consequently, the comparison of the performance scores of nine building cases serves as the foundation for case validation. [Results] The results indicate the followings: (1) In the absence of heating and air conditioning, the indoor operating temperature fluctuates less in summer and more in winter. (2) In the absence of heating and air conditioning, the average time percentage of indoor temperature (from 18 ℃ to 26 ℃) varies significantly depending on various types of windows. The dynamically adjustable external window allows for a longer period of comfort in the office and a relatively long period of comfort in the dormitory. (3) The combination of a 6 mm glass curtain wall with heat-break aluminum alloy, normal insulated windows consisting of two pieces of 6 mm glass and 12 mm air interlayer, and thermal insulation curtains presents the lowest heat load and total load in the design case. (4) Compared with the baseline case, the proposed external window design enables a higher level of annual thermal satisfaction and indoor thermal sensation. [Conclusions] For office buildings in the frigid plateau region, glass curtain walls and heat-collecting walls should be used to fully capture solar radiation during the daytime. Meanwhile, thermal insulation should be employed to reduce heat dissipation at night. The proposed external window design presents the most significant effect on reducing building load and improving thermal comfort. Moreover, compared with windows employing low-E glass, this design reduces the construction cost and can be considered a more efficient choice for the south-oriented external window design of office buildings in the frigid plateau region.
Key wordsfrigid plateau region    combined external window    solar heat gain coefficient    building load    hourly operating temperature    thermal comfort
收稿日期: 2022-10-08      出版日期: 2023-10-16
通讯作者: 刘念雄,教授,     E-mail:
刘依明, 许沛琪, 刘念雄. 高寒地区典型办公建筑南向组合式外窗热工设计优化[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(11): 1878-1886.
LIU Yiming, XU Peiqi, LIU Nianxiong. Thermal design and optimization of south-oriented combined external window for a typical office building in frigid plateau region. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(11): 1878-1886.
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