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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (3): 367-375    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.26.045
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隋蓉, 张文博, 贾贺, 蒋伟
北京空间机电研究所, 北京 100094
Strength verification method of parachute materials used in spacecraft recovery system
SUI Rong, ZHANG Wenbo, JIA He, JIANG Wei
Beijing Institute of Space Mechanics & Electricity, Beijing 100094, China
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摘要 为了使地面材料试验能够尽可能地模拟降落伞真实工作状态,改进降落伞的设计验证方法,根据降落伞实际应用工况开展了降落伞常用织物材料在疲劳载荷、双轴拉伸载荷和垂直平面载荷作用下的试验研究,提出了织物受垂直平面载荷作用的载荷计算方法。研究结果表明:疲劳载荷降低了降落伞常用织物材料锦纶的断裂伸长率,使拉伸断裂功变小,降低了织物的动载载荷承受能力;在双轴拉伸载荷作用下,2种降落伞常用的锦纶平纹织物材料的拉伸强度未出现与单轴拉伸强度有明显差异的现象;在垂直平面载荷作用下,锦纶织物的断裂强力小于材料标称断裂强力,强度损失最高约16%,试验结果可应用于降落伞强度设计系数计算中,以指导产品设计。
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关键词 降落伞疲劳载荷双轴拉伸胀破强度    
Abstract:[Objective] In the practical applications of a parachute, its force state is complicated and exists in different phases, including the deployment, inflation, and steady-state descent phases. Current parachute design and verification methods based on traditional static tensioning do not match the real usage of parachute materials. Material performance verification tests for parachutes in real environments have become a major concern for researchers. To simulate the real working condition of a parachute as closely as possible in the ground material test and improve the design verification method, a test program was designed according to actual working conditions from three aspects:fatigue load, plane bidirectional load, and vertical plane load on the textile material for a parachute. Obvious breathing and surge phenomena are observed in the parachute inflation process, making the parachute fabric material experience repeated loading and unloading. To study the influence of fatigue load on the parachute strength, the fatigue test was designed for the fabric material for a parachute. In the fatigue test, two typical fabric structures were tested in 150, 250, 500, and 1 000 cycles. The parachute was in a typical multidirectional stress state during the use, whereas the existing traditional static tensile test is a one-way test. The breaking strength of the material under biaxial tensile load was tested and compared with the strength of the material under uniaxial tensile. The parachute fabric would inherit the vertical force on its surface during use, the bursting test was conducted to study the fabric's ability to bear the vertical load, and the load calculation method for the fabric subjected to a vertical plane load was proposed and compared with the fracture strength of the fabric subjected to the plane load. The fatigue test results showed that the breaking strength of the fabric did not substantially change following the fatigue load, but the load reduced the elongation of nylon; 2 fabric materials were tested, and the elongation at the break of two kinds of nylon seams was reduced from about 15% to about 11% after 1 000 cycles of fatigue load, and the reduction of elongation at the break reduced the tensile breaking work. The test results of breaking strength of the material under biaxial tensile load showed no significant difference in the uniaxial tensile strength between the two kinds of nylon plain weave fabrics commonly used for parachutes. The bursting test results showed that the breaking strength of the nylon fabric under a vertical plane load was less than the nominal breaking strength of the material, with a maximum strength loss of about 16%, and the test results could be applied to the calculation method of parachute strength design factor to guide parachute design. The test results showed that under a vertical plane load, the breaking of nylon fabric in a T-shape indicates that it has a good warp and weft strength uniformity; if the breaking occurs in a zigzag shape, there is a difference in the warp and weft strength of the nylon fabric. In the actual use environment of a parachute, the fabric is subjected to the coupling effects of vertical plane load and fatigue conditions; thus, the changes in the breaking strength and elongation at the break must be considered comprehensively.
Key wordsparachute    fatigue load    biaxial tensile    bursting strength
收稿日期: 2021-11-21      出版日期: 2023-03-04
作者简介: 隋蓉(1993-),女,工程师。
隋蓉, 张文博, 贾贺, 蒋伟. 航天回收用降落伞材料强度验证方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(3): 367-375.
SUI Rong, ZHANG Wenbo, JIA He, JIANG Wei. Strength verification method of parachute materials used in spacecraft recovery system. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(3): 367-375.
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