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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (7): 1095-1103    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.26.022
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王皓冉1, 谢辉1, 陈永灿2, 刘康2, 李正文2, 李永龙1
1. 清华四川能源互联网研究院, 成都 610071;
2. 清华大学 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Intelligent detection and numerical simulation analysis of concrete abrasion of astilling basin floor
WANG Haoran1, XIE Hui1, CHEN Yongcan2, LIU Kang2, LI Zhengwen2, LI Yonglong1
1. Tsinghua-Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute, Chengdu 610071, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Hydroscience and Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 水工混凝土磨蚀损伤是造成消力池破坏的主要原因,长期发展会对水利枢纽汛期行洪安全产生威胁。该文采用自主研发的水下机器人(remotely operated vehicle,ROV)对消力池底板磨蚀损伤进行了全面探测,根据骨料暴露比(aggregate exposure ratio,AER)量化表征磨蚀损伤程度,阐明了消力池底板磨蚀分布规律,并通过三维数值模拟进一步分析了消力池水动力要素对底板混凝土磨蚀的影响。结果表明: AER能有效反映水工混凝土磨蚀损伤情况,消力池前段及尾坎附近区域底板磨蚀破坏程度较高。高流速及尾坎附近的淤积回流作用是消力池底板磨蚀的重要因素,水跃漩滚区水气掺混效应减缓了磨蚀破坏,消力池前端无明显负压区,但流速较大,容易产生磨蚀等问题。研究成果对消力池的安全运行与结构评价具有显著的应用价值与推广意义。
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关键词 消力池磨蚀混凝土水下机器人骨料暴露比水力分析    
Abstract:[Objective] The abrasion damage of hydraulic concrete is the main reason for the destruction of stilling basins. The long-term development of damage will threaten the safety of flood discharge in the flood season. Manual inspection is often used to evaluate the erosion condition of the stilling basin bottom plate in a project, which requires pumping and desilting. The inspection cost is high and cannot be determined during operation. Based on intelligent detection using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV), this research uses the abrasion evaluation method of the two-dimensional aggregate exposure ratio (AER) of hydraulic concrete to study the abrasion distribution of a stilling basin bottom, which has considerable application research value. [Methods] In this paper, the surface flow stilling basin of a large water conservancy project in Southwest China is taken as the study site. The detection equipment is a self-developed, ROV that has the functions of underwater crawling, floating, bottom plate dredging, and underwater acoustic positioning. The vehicle is equipped with a high-definition camera and can comprehensively detect the bottom plate abrasion damage of a stilling basin. According to the abrasion process of hydraulic concrete, an abrasion characteristic classification table is proposed, the abrasion damage degree is quantitatively characterized according to the AER, and the abrasion distribution of the bottom plate of the stilling basin is clarified. On this basis, the influence of hydrodynamic factors on the abrasion of the bottom slab of the stilling basin is further analyzed using three-dimensional numerical simulation. [Results] The results showed that: (1) The distribution law of the abrasion damage of the bottom plate of the stilling basin was basically consistent with the AER distribution. The AER could effectively reflect the abrasion damage of hydraulic concrete. (2) The abrasion in the front and rear sections of the stilling basin was severe, and there were different degrees of concrete mortar damage, aggregate exposure, falling off, and other undesirable phenomena. (3) The water flow in the stilling basin of the surface outlet fluctuateed violently, and the bottom velocity reached the maximum in the front area of the stilling basin; thus, this region was prone to scour, abrasion, and other damage. (4) Influenced by the tail sill of the stilling basin, the water flowed back in front of the tail sill, forming a vortex. The sand and stone deposition oscillated with the backflow vortex, continuously scouring the bottom plate of the stilling basin, resulting in an increase in the degree of abrasion in this area. [Conclusions] The AER can reflect the abrasion damage of the stilling basin bottom plate concrete to a certain extent and can be used to supplement the abrasion quantitative evaluation index system. The high flow velocity and backflow caused by sedimentation near the end sill are important factors leading to the erosion of the stilling basin floor. The research results have considerable application value and promotion importance for the safe operation and evaluation of a stilling basin structure.
Key wordsstilling basin    abrasion    concrete    remotely operated vehicle    aggregate exposure ratio    hydrodynamic analysis
收稿日期: 2022-12-23      出版日期: 2023-06-27
通讯作者: 谢辉,高级工程师,     E-mail:
作者简介: 王皓冉(1988—),男,正高级工程师。
王皓冉, 谢辉, 陈永灿, 刘康, 李正文, 李永龙. 消力池底板混凝土磨蚀智能检测与数值仿真[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(7): 1095-1103.
WANG Haoran, XIE Hui, CHEN Yongcan, LIU Kang, LI Zhengwen, LI Yonglong. Intelligent detection and numerical simulation analysis of concrete abrasion of astilling basin floor. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(7): 1095-1103.
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