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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2015, Vol. 55 Issue (1): 105-114    
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Motion of polydispersed droplets predicted by a Lagrangian-Eulerian method
Huang ZHANG,Hanliang BO()
Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology,Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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建立基于Lagrange-Euler方法的多液滴运动模型,数值模拟汽水分离器的分离效率和内部液滴湿度分布。根据多液滴运动特点,选取数目密度函数描述其运动行为。通过分析液滴和流场之间的作用机理,采用δ函数构建液滴运动参数等Lagrange变量和流场参数等Euler变量的联系,从而建立多液滴运动的物理模型,并给出该物理模型的数学描述及数值求解方法。利用该模型计算得到的分离器效率与实验值及商用软件模拟值符合良好,且通过对速度场的分析,认为计算所得的分离器内部湿度分布合理。结果表明: 多液滴运动模型所得结果可靠,该模型的提出为设计和优化分离器的结构提供了强有力的工具。

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关键词 液滴Lagrange-Euler方法数目密度函数数值模拟分离器    

The movement of polydispersed droplets was simulated using a Lagrangian-Eulerian model to calculate the separation efficiency and the moisture distributions in separators. A number density function was used to describe the motion. The mechanism describing the interaction between the droplets and the flow was developed with a δ-function that related the droplet and flow field parameters in a physical model of the polydispersed droplet motion. The mathematical description and numerical methods for solving the physical model was introduced. The efficiencies of the separators computed from this model fit well with experimental data and commercial CFD software model. The moisture distributions inside the separators predicted by the model are reasonable relative to the velocity fields. Thus, the results from the polydispersed droplet motion model are reliable and can be used to design and optimize separator designs.

Key wordsdroplet    Lagrangian-Eulerian method    number density function    numerical modeling    separators
收稿日期: 2014-03-12      出版日期: 2015-01-20
张璜,薄涵亮. 基于Lagrange-Euler方法的多液滴运动模型[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(1): 105-114.
Huang ZHANG,Hanliang BO. Motion of polydispersed droplets predicted by a Lagrangian-Eulerian method. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2015, 55(1): 105-114.
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