Building material production, transportation, and building construction of urban residential buildings all impact the environment in China. The eBalance software was used to calculate the embodied environmental impact of urban residential buildings in China using the life cycle assessment (LCA) method and scenario analyses. The results show that the embodied environmental impact of urban residential buildings in China accounted for 15.5% of the national total energy use, 15.2% of the water use, 39.2% of the COD emissions, 4.1% of the NH3-N emissions, 15.9% of the SO2 emissions, and 17.5% of the NOx emissions in 2010. The impacts were mainly due to the manufacturing of the building materials, especially the steel and cement which accounted for 70% of all the buildings materials with steel itself being 55%. Therefore, it is vital for regulating the urban residential buildings based on the perspective of environmental protection.
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