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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2015, Vol. 55 Issue (10): 1045-1050    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2015.22.002
  机械工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
蔡志鹏1, 王梁1, 潘际銮1, 乔尚飞2, 霍鑫2, 王朋2, 刘霞1,2
1. 清华大学 机械工程系, 北京 100084;
2. 上海电气电站设备有限公司 上海汽轮机厂, 上海 200240
Effect of the tempering cooling rate on the toughness of bainite welds
CAI Zhipeng1, WANG Liang1, PAN Jiluan1, QIAO Shangfei2, HUO Xin2, WANG Peng2, LIU Xia1,2
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Process Department of Turbine Works, Shanghai Electric Power Generation Equipment Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200240, China
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摘要 大尺寸厚壁构件在回火过程中冷却速度较慢。对于CrMoV钢, 若回火参数不当, 容易引起回火脆性。该文针对大尺寸厚壁环形试验件, 研究了回火冷却速度对贝氏体焊缝韧性的影响。结果表明:当回火冷却速度过慢时, 焊缝金属会发生明显的韧性降低现象; 多层多道焊焊缝脆性断口具有特殊的分层现象, 说明较慢的回火冷速只是使得焊缝局部韧性下降, 其中层间热影响区弱化程度最为明显。通过Auger分析等方法进一步研究发现, 韧性减低现象的产生与C、O元素在原奥氏体晶界的偏聚以及Ni元素在原奥氏体晶界处的含量减少有关。
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关键词 多层多道焊焊接韧性降低元素偏聚大尺寸厚壁构件    
Abstract:Large components with thick walls have slow cooling rates during tempering. Improper tempering parameters can cause temper brittlement in CrMoV steels. The effect of tempering cooling rate on the toughness of bainite welds is investigated for thick circular components. Slow tempering cooling rates reduce the weld toughness. Multi-layer, multi-pass welds experience layered brittle fracture, which illustrates that slow tempering cooling rates affect only local welds with the greatest toughness reduction in the heat affected zone (HAZ) between the layers. Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) analyses show that the segregation of C, O and Ni along the prior austenite grain boundaries is associated with the toughness reduction.
Key wordsmulti-layer, multi-pass welding    toughness reduction    element segregation    large thick wall component
收稿日期: 2014-04-02      出版日期: 2015-10-15
ZTFLH:  TG407  
作者简介: 蔡志鹏(1974-),男(汉),山西,副研究员。
蔡志鹏, 王梁, 潘际銮, 乔尚飞, 霍鑫, 王朋, 刘霞. 回火冷却速度对贝氏体焊缝韧性的影响[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(10): 1045-1050.
CAI Zhipeng, WANG Liang, PAN Jiluan, QIAO Shangfei, HUO Xin, WANG Peng, LIU Xia. Effect of the tempering cooling rate on the toughness of bainite welds. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2015, 55(10): 1045-1050.
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  表1 30Cr2Ni4MoV 钢各化学成分的质量分
  表2 30Cr2Ni4MoV 钢的主要力学指标
  表3 焊接工艺参数
  图1 厚壁环形试验件示意图及取样图
  图2 焊缝金属冲击功随回火温度、冷却速度的变化
  图3 600℃慢冷试样的宏观断口照片
  图4 600℃慢冷试样的金相照片
  图5 600℃慢冷试样的断口SEM 观察照片
  图6 600℃快、慢冷试样各元素的晶界偏聚程度
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