Abstract:The threats of backdoors and vulnerabilities in general-purpose operating systems complicate protection of sensitive information. This paper describes a sensitive memory management system(SMM) which protects sensitive information memory and prevents attackers from obtaining sensitive information by compromising the operating system kernel. Virtualization is used to set up different shadow page tables for the user-mode and the kernel-mode of the protected process and then controls access to the sensitive information so that only the proper applications can access the information and not the operating systems kernel. Tests show that the memory is protected with finer granularity and lower overhead than previous methods.
谢学智, 王瑀屏, 谈鉴锋, 陈启庚. 不可信系统平台下的敏感信息管理系统[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 55(11): 1221-1228.
XIE Xuezhi, WANG Yuping, TAN Jianfeng, CHEN Qigeng. Sensitive information management system for un-trusted system platforms. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2015, 55(11): 1221-1228.
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