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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2016, Vol. 56 Issue (6): 617-621    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.22.021
  精密仪器 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
韩赞东, 李永杰, 李晓阳
清华大学 机械工程系, 摩擦学国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Simulation and feature extraction of eddy current tests for residual austenite content
HAN Zandong, LI Yongjie, LI Xiaoyang
State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 钢中残余奥氏体对材料的机械性能及热稳定性有很大的影响, 由于奥氏体相的相对磁导率远小于铁磁性相, 而相对磁导率是影响涡流检测的重要因素, 因此可以采用涡流检测的方法对钢中残余奥氏体的含量进行检测。利用有限元分析方法对不同相对磁导率的试样进行涡流检测仿真, 仿真结果表明: 交流电桥的输出信号的幅值和相位与试样的相对磁导率有很好的对应关系, 输出信号的幅值和相位可以作为特征量, 与经过适当处理的相对磁导率有很好的线性相关性。利用相对磁导率与残余奥氏体含量的关系即可实现对残余奥氏体含量的检测。
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关键词 涡流检测仿真特征提取残余奥氏体    
Abstract:Residual austenite content in steel strongly influences the mechanical properties and thermal stability of the materials. Eddy current testing method is used to determine the residual austenite content in the steel since the relative permeability of the austenite phase, which is indicated by eddy current tests, is much smaller than that of the ferromagnetic phases. A finite element analysis method is used to simulate eddy current tests with samples having different relative permeabilities. The results show that the output signal of the alternating current (AC) bridge corresponds well with the relative permeability. The amplitude and phase of the output signal can be used as feature variables, which both having good linear correlation with the relative permeability that after processing. The residual austenite content can then be determined using the relationship between the austenite content and the relative permeability.
Key wordseddy current testing    simulation    feature extraction    residual austenite
收稿日期: 2015-12-02      出版日期: 2016-06-15
ZTFLH:  TG115.28  
韩赞东, 李永杰, 李晓阳. 残余奥氏体含量涡流检测仿真与特征提取[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(6): 617-621.
HAN Zandong, LI Yongjie, LI Xiaoyang. Simulation and feature extraction of eddy current tests for residual austenite content. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(6): 617-621.
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  图1 涡流检测原理图
  图2 基本测量电路
  图3 检测线圈与试样的模型简化
  图4 磁场模块的仿真建模
  表1 各种材料的电磁属性
  表2 线圈参数设置
  图5 不同相对磁导率条件下的磁场分布
  图6 输出信号的幅值和相位与相对磁导率的关系
  图7 输出信号的幅值和相位与对数相对磁导率的关系
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