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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2016, Vol. 56 Issue (11): 1202-1208    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.26.012
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李善鹏, 顾文涛
南京师范大学 文学院, 南京 210097
Acoustic characteristics of Mandarin affricates
LI Shanpeng, GU Wentao
School of Chinese Language and Culture, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
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摘要 该文考察了普通话6个塞擦音的声学参数与其语音特征之间的关系。通过Praat软件提取时长、振幅、频谱能量分布、后接元音第二共振峰(F2)起始频率等9个声学参数。通过方差分析,揭示了统计上分别区分3个发音部位、2个送气状态以及2个后接元音的声学参数;判别分析结果显示,9个声学参数的组合对6个塞擦音的辨别率为85.9%;主成分分析结果显示,前5个主成分可以表征塞擦音86.3%的信息。综合3种统计分析结果表明:摩擦段的频谱能量分布是普通话塞擦音最重要的一组声学参数,有些主要表征了发音部位,有些主要表征了送气状态;摩擦段的时长和振幅主要表征了送气状态及后接元音;后接元音的F2起始频率也会受到塞擦音发音部位的影响。
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关键词 普通话塞擦音声学参数语音特征    
Abstract:This study investigated the relationships between acoustic parameters and phonetic features for six Mandarin affricates. The nine acoustic parameters including the duration, amplitude, spectral energy distribution, and F2 onset of the following vowel were extracted by Praat. An ANOVA analysis was used to show which acoustic parameters that can statistically distinguish the three places of articulation, two states of aspiration, and two following vowels. A discriminant analysis showed that the combination of all nine acoustic parameters gave a 85.9% recognition rate for the six affricates. A principle component analysis showed that the first five components contributed 86.3% of the information for the affricates. The spectral energy distribution parameters of the frication are the most important acoustic parameters for Mandarin affricates, some of which mainly contribute to the articulation location while others mainly contribute to the state of aspiration. The normalized duration and amplitude of the frication are the next important parameters, contributing to both the state of aspiration and to the following vowel. The F2 onset of the following vowel is affected by the place of articulation of the affricate.
Key wordsMandarin speech    affricate    acoustic parameter    phonetic feature
收稿日期: 2016-06-29      出版日期: 2016-11-15
ZTFLH:  H012  
通讯作者: 顾文涛,教授,     E-mail:
李善鹏, 顾文涛. 普通话塞擦音的声学特性研究[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 56(11): 1202-1208.
LI Shanpeng, GU Wentao. Acoustic characteristics of Mandarin affricates. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2016, 56(11): 1202-1208.
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  表1 方差分析结果
  表2 相对时长的统计均值(%)
  表3 摩擦段相对振幅的统计均值(dB)
  表4 频谱能量分布的统计均值
  图1 不同发音部位和后接元音的谱顶点分布
  图2 不同发音部位和送气状态的谱重心分布
  图4 不同发音部位和送气状态的偏度分布
  图5 不同发音部位和后接元音的峰度分布
  表5 后接元音F2起始频率的统计均值(Hz)
  图6 不同发音部位和后接元音的F2起始频率分布
  图7 不同发音部位和送气状态的F2起始频率分布
  表6 正交旋转后的主成分载荷矩阵及方差贡献率
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