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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 57 Issue (2): 176-181    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2017.22.011
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杨锋1, 孔江平2
1. 暨南大学 华文学院, 应用语言学研究院, 广州 510610;
2. 北京大学 中国语言文学系, 中国语言学研究中心, 北京 100871
Chest and abdomen breathing while reading literature in Mandarin
YANG Feng1, KONG Jiangping2
1. Institute of Applied Linguistics, College of Chinese Language and Culture, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510610, China;
2. Research Center for Chinese Linguistics, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
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摘要 该文主要研究汉语普通话不同文体朗读时的胸腹呼吸特性。实验同步录制了4位播音员朗读的语音和胸腹呼吸信号,选取近体诗、词、新闻和散文这4种文体语料90篇,使用自主编写的呼吸分析程序,提取了吸气相和呼气相的呼吸重置幅度、时长、斜率、面积等参数。实验结果表明:言语状态下的胸腹呼吸与自然呼吸不同;不同文体朗读时的胸腹呼吸特点不同,诗、词朗读中的各级呼吸重置分布更具规律性,新闻和散文朗读中胸腹呼吸重置可分为3级,对应出现在段首、复句首和分句首位置;朗读中主要以胸腹联合式呼吸为主,胸腹呼吸二者的作用不同。该研究对汉语韵律研究和言语产生具有重要意义,为言语产生的呼吸生理建模提供参考。
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关键词 实验语音学言语产生呼吸控制    
Abstract:Chest and abdomen breathing characteristics were studied while reading Mandarin Chinese literature. The speech and breathing signals were recorded from four annoucers while reading 90 passages with different styles, including modern poems, ci, news, and essays. The extracted breathing parameters were the breathing reset amplitude, duration, slope, and area during the inhalation and exhalation phases. The results show that the breathing strategy during speech differs from that during natural breathing with different chest and abdomen breathing patterns for different styles of prose. Systematic breathing resets occur while reading poems and ci. Three levels of breathing resets are identified while reading news and essays at the paragraph-initial, main clause-initial and subordinate clause-initial positions. The chest and abdomen breathing are coordinated during all the reading activities, but each has its distinct functions. These results are of significance to prosody and speech production and provide a basis for articulatory modeling of breathing in speech production.
Key wordsexperimental phonetics    speech production    breathing control
收稿日期: 2016-06-20      出版日期: 2017-02-15
ZTFLH:  H017  
通讯作者: 孔江平,教授,     E-mail:
杨锋, 孔江平. 汉语普通话不同文体朗读时的胸腹呼吸特性[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 57(2): 176-181.
YANG Feng, KONG Jiangping. Chest and abdomen breathing while reading literature in Mandarin. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(2): 176-181.
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  图1 用Matlab编写的数据分析平台界面
  图2 呼吸参数定义
  图3 自然呼吸状态下的胸腹呼吸信号
  表1 自然呼吸状态下的胸腹呼吸参数均值
  图4 七言律诗«登高»前4句朗读的胸腹呼吸信号
  图5 词«赤壁怀古»朗读的腹呼吸和语音信号
  图6 对20首词朗读的胸腹呼吸呼吸重置幅度的KGmeans聚类分析结果
  图7 新闻朗读的腹呼吸和语音信号
  图8 对20条新闻朗读的胸腹呼吸呼吸重置幅度的KGmeans聚类分析结果
  图9 散文朗读的腹呼吸和语音信号
  图10 对20篇散文朗读的胸腹呼吸呼吸重置幅度的KGmeans聚类分析结果
  图11 典型的胸呼吸模式与语音
  图12 典型的腹呼吸模式与语音
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