Oblique-incidence ultrasonic testing for the adhesion quality of ceramic coatings
HAN Zandong, LI Yongjie, CHEN Yifang
State Key Laboratory of Tribology, Key Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing Technology of Ministry of Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:Non-metallic coatings on the surfaces of metal substrates can improve the corrosion resistance and high temperature performance of the substrates. The adhesion quality of the coatings is an important index for coating performance. Conventional ultrasonic transmission and reflection methods can detect coating de-bonding, but cannot easily detect the adhesion quality of the bonded coating. Non-metallic coatings with different adhesion qualities are evaluated using an oblique-incidence radiative method. The nonlinear coefficients of the oblique-incident wave are calculated using spectral analysis techniques. The results show that the nonlinear coefficients of the oblique-incident wave reflect the adhesion quality of the ceramic coatings. The bonding quality of the coating can then be evaluated by the amplitudes of the fundamental frequency. For a bonded coating, a greater nonlinear coefficient indicates worse adhesion quality.
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