Thermodynamic analysis of a Brayton cycle system for a space power reactor
LI Zhi, YANG Xiaoyong, WANG Jie, ZHANG Zuoyi
Key Laboratory of Advanced Reactor Engineering and Safety of Ministry of Education, Collaborative Innovation Centre of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technology, Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:The land-use closed Brayton cycle system has high energy conversion efficiencies in a compact configuration. The Brayton cycle can be used in space nuclear plants with some modifications. This paper uses a mathematical model developed using Fortran computer language for a space Brayton cycle system to optimize the working fluid for power conversion units in a space power reactor to improve the design of space power reactors. The results show that xenon reduces the cycle's efficiency and specific power as the xenon mole fraction increases. However, a proper amount of xenon will reduce the enthalpy changes in the turbomachine, which is good for the system's aerodynamics. Helium and xenon have complementary advantages for the system's thermodynamic and aerodynamic performance. By mixing helium working fluid with appropriate amount of xenon, the Brayton cycle system gives better space reactor designs by decreasing the number of compressors and heat exchangers.
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LI Zhi, YANG Xiaoyong, WANG Jie, ZHANG Zuoyi. Thermodynamic analysis of a Brayton cycle system for a space power reactor. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(5): 537-543,549.
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