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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2017, Vol. 57 Issue (10): 1106-1113    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2017.25.053
  汽车工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
NGUYEN Truong Sinh, 宋健, 方圣楠, 宋海军, 台玉琢, 李飞
清华大学 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室, 北京 100084
Simulation and experimental demonstration of a seamless two-speed automatic mechanical transmission for electric vehicles
NGUYEN Truong Sinh, SONG Jian, FANG Shengnan, SONG Haijun, TAI Yuzhuo, LI Fei
State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 该文以实现动力不中断的高效动力传动系统为基本目标,对一种适用于电动汽车的动力保持型机械式自动两挡变速器进行了仿真与试验研究。该变速器主要由单排行星齿轮系统、膜片弹簧式离合器以及鼓式制动器构成,旨在解决换挡过程中的动力中断问题。该文建立了一个采用新型变速器的纯电动汽车前置前驱传动系统动力学模型。在MATLAB/Simulink环境下,搭建了一个纯电动车整车仿真模型。该模型用来进行分析、选定变速器的基本参数,研制出一台变速器功能样机。该仿真模型适合于实时仿真与试验,在试验过程中可以灵活地改变调整各种参数。根据新型变速器试验的需求,该文建立了一个变速器硬件在环仿真平台,搭建了一个变速器样机的试验台,进行实时仿真和台架试验。仿真和试验结果表明:该变速器解决了在换挡过程中存在的动力中断问题,使驱动电机工作在高效区间,提高了纯电动汽车的动力性和经济性。
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NGUYEN Truong Sinh
关键词 两挡变速器电动汽车机械式自动变速器试验台实时仿真    
Abstract:This paper describes a two-speed automatic mechanical transmission (AMT) for an efficient, uninterrupted powertrain for electric vehicles. This paper describes the transmission structure, which consists of a single planetary gear system, a disk friction clutch and a drum brake that allows seamless shifting between two gears. A dynamic model is given for a front drive wheel powertrain system in an electric vehicle in a MATLAB/Simulink environment that is more suitable for real-time simulations for designing the transmission. A real-time dynamic transmission test bench was setup with a hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform. The simulation and test results indicate that the power interrupt during shifting is eliminated and the transmission significantly improves the electric motor efficiency as well as the vehicle dynamics and energy consumption.
Key wordstwo-speed transmission    electric vehicle    automatic mechanical transmission (AMT)    test bench    real-time simulation
收稿日期: 2016-12-22      出版日期: 2017-10-15
ZTFLH:  U463.21  
通讯作者: 宋健,教授,     E-mail:
NGUYEN Truong Sinh, 宋健, 方圣楠, 宋海军, 台玉琢, 李飞. 电动汽车动力保持型机械式自动两挡变速器仿真与试验[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 57(10): 1106-1113.
NGUYEN Truong Sinh, SONG Jian, FANG Shengnan, SONG Haijun, TAI Yuzhuo, LI Fei. Simulation and experimental demonstration of a seamless two-speed automatic mechanical transmission for electric vehicles. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2017, 57(10): 1106-1113.
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  图1 动力保持型两挡AMT 结构
  表1 纯电动汽车的基本参数
  表2 动力保持型两挡AMT传动系统的基本参数
  图2 电动汽车动力传动系统动力学模型
  图3 纯电动汽车两挡AMT硬件在环框图和试验台架布置
  图4 动力保持型两挡AMT的仿真模型
  图5 用两挡AMT的目标车型与用固定速比减速器的纯电动轿车仿真结果对比
  图6 用两挡AMT的目标车型与用固定速比减速器的纯电动轿车在HWFET循环工况下仿真结果对比
  图7 用两挡AMT的目标车型与用固定速比减速器的纯电动轿车在UDDS循环工况下仿真结果对比
  表3 用动力保持型两挡AMT的目标车型与用固定速比减速器纯电动轿车日产Leaf仿真结果对比
  图8 动力保持型两挡AMT样机在台架上进行动力不中断换挡试验
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