Pseudo-component method for characterization of the thermochemical conversion of combustible solid waste
LONG Yanqiu1, LI Qinghai1, ZHOU Hui2, MENG Aihong1, ZHANG Yanguo1
1. Beijing Key Laboratory for CO2 Utilization and Reduction Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Thermal Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Columbia University, New York 10027, USA
Abstract:The treatment of combustible solid waste (CSW) is a critical environmental issue with thermochemical conversion regarded as a promising waste-to-energy (WTE) technology. The CSW properties that are relevant to the thermochemical conversion, such as the volatile content and the gross heating value, are required for incinerator design. This paper presents a pseudo-component analysis method using nine types of model components including cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, starch, PE, PVC, PP, PS and PET to characterize the thermochemical conversion of the CSW waste stream. Each type of CSW can be represented by model components in terms of thermal mass coefficients obtained from TGA pyrolysis tests. The TGA curves of the model components were used to fit the curves for different types of CSW materials. Multiple linear regressions are used to acquire the thermal mass coefficients. The grey relation grade is used evaluate the accuracy. The average prediction error is within 5% for the volatiles and 10% for the gross heating value. This method provides a simple method for predicting the CSW properties for engineering designs.
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