K-means based feature reduction for network anomaly detection
JIA Fan1, YAN Yan2, ZHANG Jiaqi1
1. Key Laboratory of Communication & Information Systems of Beijing, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;
2. China Information Security Certification Center, Beijing 100020, China
Abstract:Although the basic K-means test was used for anomaly detection in the KDD 99 attack dataset, its accuracy and efficiency for detecting rare attacks needs to be improved. Rare attacks, which are usually greater threats, are easily hidden by common threats so the rare attacks can be more easily identified by removing common attacks. An improved hierarchical iterative K-means method was developed based on this finding to detect all kinds of anomalies using feature reduction through correlations to decrease classification the dimensions. The algorithm is able to detect almost every rare attack with a 99% succesful classification rate and for nearly real-time detection with 90% less computations on the KDD 99 data compared with the basic K-means algorithm.
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