Abstract:Austenitic thick-wall welds are difficult to evaluate using ultrasonic testing because the ultrasonic waves are scattered and attenuated by the coarse grain microstructure. The ultrasonic signals then contain much noise with signal processing needed to reduce the noise. This paper presents an ultrasonic signal extraction algorithm based on the Gaussian modulated pulse (GMP) model to improve the signal processing. The original signals are filtered by a cross-correlation method and then the filtered signals are decomposed to acquire the control parameters for each component based on the GMP model and the signal features. Simulations and experiments verify the algorithm's performance. This algorithm can extract useful information about defects from ultrasonic signals as the foundation for further analyses of thick-wall welds for defect information analyses and inspection method optimization.
周海鹏, 韩赞东, 都东, 陈以方. 基于Gauss调制脉冲模型的超声信号提取算法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 59(2): 96-102.
ZHOU Haipeng, HAN Zandong, DU Dong, CHEN Yifang. Ultrasonic signal extraction algorithm based on a Gaussian modulated pulse model. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2019, 59(2): 96-102.
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