Instantaneous measurements of granular blast furnace slag thermal parameters
ZHANG Yanguo1, ZHANG Ying2, YANG Xiaoxiao1
1. Tsinghua University-University of Waterloo Joint Research Center for Micro/Nano Energy & Environment Technology, Key Laboratory for Thermal Science and Power Engineering of Ministry of Education, Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China; 2. Beijing LiHua Science Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100085, China
Abstract:An instantaneous measurement method was developed to measure the surface temperature and surface emissivity of blast furnace slag for investigating dry granulation and waste heat recovery from blast furnace slag. The system was used to measure temperature-gray scale and emissivity-temperature relationships from granular blast furnace slag images captured by a high-speed camera based on the surface gray scale level. The surface temperature and the surface emissivity of the granular blast furnace slag could then be obtained by combining the measured surface gray scale with these relationships for the granular blast furnace slag. The results show that the surface emissivity decreases with decreasing slag surface temperature. The slag surface emissivity is about 0.89 at 1 402℃.
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