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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2020, Vol. 60 Issue (11): 887-894    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2020.21.005
  汽车工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
李飞1,2, 宋健1, 方圣楠1, 卢正弘1, NGUYEN Truong Sinh1
1. 清华大学 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室, 北京 100084;
2. 陆军步兵学院石家庄校区 机械化步兵系, 石家庄 050083
Dynamic braking torque characteristics of a band brake
LI Fei1,2, SONG Jian1, FANG Shengnan1, LU Zhenghong1, NGUYEN Truong Sinh1
1. State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Department of Mechanized Infantry, Shijiazhuang School of Army Infantry Academy, Shijiazhuang 050083, China
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摘要 带式制动器作为动力保持型三挡自动变速器(automatic mechanical transmission,AMT)换挡执行元件之一,其动态力矩特性对换挡品质至关重要。为进一步研究带式制动器的动态力矩特性,论文建立了带式制动器有限元模型,设计了样机实验台架,完成了不同工况的实验测试。结果表明:动态制动力矩不仅与制动鼓转速、制动力大小、制动力作用半径等因素有关,同时也取决于制动力加载的速度;相同条件下,制动力加载速度越快,制动带产生的动态制动力矩越小,并从动水升力角度作了定性分析。依据实验结果,提出等效动摩擦因数、等效力矩输入系数及补偿系数的概念,得到动态制动力矩的经验公式,从而将制动力加载速度融入到动态制动力矩中。
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NGUYEN Truong Sinh
关键词 带式制动器制动带动态制动力矩特性    
Abstract:Band brakes are used as shift actuators in uninterrupted powertrain automatic mechanical transmissions (AMT). The dynamic characteristics of the brake band then strongly affect the shift quality. The dynamic torque characteristics of a band brake were studied using a finite element model of the band brake with experimental tests for various working conditions. The results show that the dynamic braking torque is not only related to the brake drum speed, braking force, and braking force radius, but also depends on the braking force loading speed. When the other conditions are kept the same, a faster braking force loading leads to a smaller braking torque on the band. The effect was described using a qualitative analysis of the hydrodynamic lift force. The results were used to define an equivalent dynamic friction coefficient, an equivalent torque input coefficient and a compensation coefficient with an empirical equation for the dynamic braking torque that integrates the braking force loading speed into the dynamic braking torque.
Key wordsband brake    brake band    dynamic braking torque characteristics
收稿日期: 2019-10-16      出版日期: 2020-08-31
李飞, 宋健, 方圣楠, 卢正弘, NGUYEN Truong Sinh. 带式制动器动态制动力矩特性[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(11): 887-894.
LI Fei, SONG Jian, FANG Shengnan, LU Zhenghong, NGUYEN Truong Sinh. Dynamic braking torque characteristics of a band brake. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2020, 60(11): 887-894.
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