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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2021, Vol. 61 Issue (5): 429-436    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.21.015
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贾天下1, 陈磊1, 闵勇1, 徐飞1, 熊雪君2, 赵乐2, 冯煜尧2
1. 清华大学 电机工程与应用电子技术系, 北京 100084;
2. 国网上海市电力公司电力科学研究院, 上海 200437
Control strategy for primary frequency regulation with the participation of a quick response energy storage
JIA Tianxia1, CHEN Lei1, MIN Yong1, XU Fei1, XIONG Xuejun2, ZHAO Le2, FENG Yuyao2
1. Department of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. Shanghai Electric Power Research Institute, Shanghai 200437, China
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摘要 当前电网频率安全问题凸显,利用快速响应储能进行一次调频,是确保新形态下电网频率安全问题的有效措施。该文提出一种快速响应储能参与一次调频的控制策略,核心思路是基于期望实现的频率动态曲线来设计系统综合调频过程的传递函数,基于总的传递函数确定储能传递函数,并通过优化参数降低对储能容量的要求。该策略不再局限于综合惯量控制的框架,具有很强的通用性。以频率跌落曲线无超调作为预期目标,在一个简化系统中采用本文提出的控制策略使系统的最大频差最小,验证了该策略相比综合惯量控制策略能够大幅改善频率响应特性。
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关键词 目标传递函数实现控制一次调频参数优化    
Abstract:With the emerging frequency security problem of power systems, the application of quick response energy storage devices to the primary frequency control is an effective measure to ensure frequency security. This paper proposes a control strategy for primary frequency regulation with the participation of a quick response energy storage. The core idea is to design a whole transfer function based on the expected frequency response of the system and to design a primary frequency control strategy of the energy storage based on the whole transfer function. The demand for energy storage capacity is minimized with the optimization of the parameter. The control strategy is beyond the frame of traditional integrated inertia control and thus has a wide universality. The proposed strategy is applied in a simplified system to minimize the maximum frequency difference with the goal of obtaining a frequency response curve without overshoot. Results of the study verify that the control strategy proposed in this paper can significantly improve the frequency response characteristics compared with the traditional integrated inertia control strategy.
Key wordstarget transfer function realizing control    primary frequency regulation    parameter optimization
收稿日期: 2020-11-30      出版日期: 2021-04-25
通讯作者: 陈磊,副研究员,      E-mail:
作者简介: 贾天下(1995—),男,博士研究生。
贾天下, 陈磊, 闵勇, 徐飞, 熊雪君, 赵乐, 冯煜尧. 快速响应储能参与一次调频的控制策略[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 61(5): 429-436.
JIA Tianxia, CHEN Lei, MIN Yong, XU Fei, XIONG Xuejun, ZHAO Le, FENG Yuyao. Control strategy for primary frequency regulation with the participation of a quick response energy storage. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2021, 61(5): 429-436.
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