Abstract:Residents need to be quickly evacuated from buildings after earthquakes. However, shelters need to be built in advance and community evacuation schemes need to be developed to provide effective emergency response after an earthquake. This paper presents a community evacuation scheme design method using multi-objective programming and agent simulations. The optimal evacuation schemes are developed based on the accessibility of rescue agencies, traffic conditions, shelter capacity and other factors based on various numbers of earthquake shelters using multi-objective programming with the evacuation behavior simulated using the Pathfinder software. The results show that the particle swarm optimization algorithm has good convergence for the multi-objective programming problem of location selection and allocation of earthquake shelters, and is suitable for quick modeling and calculation. The evacuation scheme of designated earthquake shelters is instructive, which can greatly alleviate the "overload" phenomenon of free evacuation scheme and ensure that all personnel can arrive at the shelters as soon as possible.
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