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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2021, Vol. 61 Issue (6): 626-635    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2020.25.041
  工程力学 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
周书涛1, 马斌捷1, 侯传涛1, 童军1, 巨亚堂1, 刘应华2
1. 北京强度环境研究所, 北京 100076;
2. 清华大学 航天航空学院, 工程力学系, 北京 100084
C1 natural element method for plastic limit analyses of thin plates
ZHOU Shutao1, MA Binjie1, HOU Chuantao1, TONG Jun1, JU Yatang1, LIU Yinghua2
1. Beijing Institute of Structure & Environment Engineering, Beijing 100076, China;
2. Department of Engineering Mechanics, School of Aerospace, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 采用C1自然单元法研究了不同工况下圆形、菱形、等边多边形薄板的极限承载力。根据薄板极限上限分析的迭代求解格式,构造出了满足平衡方程和边界条件的广义应力场,并由极限下限定理和得到的广义应力场,建立了求解薄板结构极限下限载荷乘子的迭代格式。提出的数值方法克服了极限下限定理中约束条件的强非线性,降低了下限分析的计算规模,具有易于程序实现的优点。该数值方法与极限上限分析方法相结合可以有效估算出薄板结构极限载荷的范围。数值算例表明,提出的求解薄板结构上、下限载荷的方法是有效的,具有较高的计算精度和较快的收敛性。
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关键词 极限分析上限定理下限定理C1自然单元法直接迭代算法    
Abstract:The C1 natural element method (C1 NEM) was used to study the limiting loads of circular, rhombic, and equilateral polygon thin plates subjected to various loading conditions. An iterative solution for the upper load limits of the thin plates made the generalized stress fields satisfy the equilibrium equations and the boundary conditions. Iterative solutions were also used to calculate the lower limits of the load multipliers of thin plates using the lower bound theorem to obtain the generalized stress fields. This numerical method overcomes the difficulties introduced by the strong nonlinearity of the constraint condition in the lower bound theorem and reduces the calculations for the lower bound analysis in an easily implemented algorithm. This numerical approach can also be incorporated into upper bound analyses to estimate the limiting loads of thin plates. Numerical examples show that this numerical method can accurately and quickly predict the upper and lower load limits of thin plates.
Key wordslimit analysis    upper bound theorem    lower bound theorem    C1 natural element method (C1 NEM)    direct iteration algorithm
收稿日期: 2020-05-25      出版日期: 2021-04-28
作者简介: 周书涛(1983-),男,高级工程师。
周书涛, 马斌捷, 侯传涛, 童军, 巨亚堂, 刘应华. 薄板塑性极限分析的C1自然单元法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 61(6): 626-635.
ZHOU Shutao, MA Binjie, HOU Chuantao, TONG Jun, JU Yatang, LIU Yinghua. C1 natural element method for plastic limit analyses of thin plates. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2021, 61(6): 626-635.
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