Abstract:A spatial co-location pattern is a set of spatial features that are frequently observed together in space. Traditional co-location pattern mining uses a single distance threshold to define neighbor relationships while ignoring the impact of distance differences, but the minimum prevalence threshold is difficult to determine for inexperienced users. This paper presents a method for calculating the neighborhood membership degree based on fuzzy theory and d-grids. This method does not calculate the Euclidean distance and quickly finds the maximal cliques that satisfy the fuzzy neighborhood relationship by using the d-grid. The results was then combined with the Top-k algorithm to find the k most prevalent co-location patterns. Tests show that this method is more efficient and gives more detailed results. The recall rate shows that the k most prevalent patterns obtained by this method agree well with those obtained by the traditional co-location pattern mining algorithm, which shows the effectiveness of this fuzzy measurement and mining algorithm.
李钧毅, 王丽珍, 陈红梅. dGridTopk-FCPM:一种基于模糊理论和d-网格的Top-k空间co-location模式挖掘方法[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 61(9): 943-952.
LI Junyi, WANG Lizhen, CHEN Hongmei. dGridTopk-FCPM: A top-k spatial co-location pattern mining algorithm based on fuzzy theory and d-grids. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2021, 61(9): 943-952.
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