Numerical study of the effect of fluid properties on droplet impacts
DU Yuxuan, MIN Qi, LI Yanzhi, DU Jiayu
Key Laboratory of Advanced Reactor Engineering and Safety of Ministry of Education, Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Nuclear Energy Technology, Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:Previous research on droplet impact dynamics has yielded different results, and the types of fluids studied are not sufficiently diverse. This project numerically modeled droplet impact dynamics with nine kinds of fluids including water, glycerite, silicone oil, and liquid metals at room temperature with viscosities of 1-970 mPa·s and surface tensions of 20-500 mN/m. The phase-field model was used to supplement the data at low Reynolds numbers to explore the applicability of existing theories. The results show that at the beginning of the impact, the existing law for the spread factor, β, varying with the dimensionless time, τ, is applicable for Re>100. The simulation results are consistent with existing theory that the maximum spread factor, βmax, scales as βmax∝Web in the capillary regime and βmax∝Reb in the viscous regime. The effect of wall wettability on the exponent b was also analyzed. The minimum center thickness, hmin*, is consistent with the existing theory of hmin*∝Re-0.5 only when We ≥ 10. For We < 10, the wall wettability and surface tension strongly influence hmin*. As Re tends to 1, βmax and hmin* are determined by the initial kinetic energy of droplet and wettability of target surface, but they deviate from the above power function laws.
杜宇轩, 闵琪, 李衍智, 都家宇. 流体性质对液滴碰撞壁面影响的数值研究[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(2): 294-302.
DU Yuxuan, MIN Qi, LI Yanzhi, DU Jiayu. Numerical study of the effect of fluid properties on droplet impacts. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(2): 294-302.
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