Abstract:In recent years, the rapid development of generative adversarial networks (GAN) has made synthesized images more and more realistic, which poses great threats to individuals and society. Existing research has focused on passively identifying deepfakes, but real-world applications are usually insufficiently general and robust. This paper presents a method for deepfake provenance and forensics. Deepfakes hide secret information in facial images to track the source of the forged image. An end-to-end deep neural network was designed to include an embedding network, a GAN simulator, and a recovery network. The embedding network embeds the secret information in the picture while the recovery network extracts the information. The GAN simulator simulates various GAN-based image transformations. The average normalized cross correlation coefficient (NCC) of the restored images after tampering with known GANs is higher than 0.9 and the average NCC reaches around 0.8 with tampering by unknown GANs, which shows good robustness and generalization. In addition, the secret embedded information is well concealed and the average peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) is about 30 dB.
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