Abstract:The ‘big city diseases’ is caused by population expansion in metropolises. This paper shows how the government can take tax regulation to balance the goal of decreasing the population against that of maximizing the social welfare. Considering the effects of commuting tax and payroll tax on population distribution, spatial structures, and land rents in the urban agglomeration, a three-city spatial equilibrium model that allows for intra-city commuting, inter-city migration, and inter-city commuting, is presented. The numerical results of three classical urban agglomeration spatial structures show that the effects of tax policies are related to the urban agglomeration spatial structures, but a well-designed commuting tax is always a better choice for the government.
杨星琪, 黄海军. 治理“大城市病”的城市群税收政策[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(7): 1212-1219.
YANG Xingqi, HUANG Haijun. Tax policies for urban agglomeration to control “big city disease”. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(7): 1212-1219.
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