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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2022, Vol. 62 Issue (12): 2053-2060    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2021.25.008
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杨思琴, 江铭虎
清华大学 人文学院,计算语言学实验室,北京 100084
Semantic and syntactic processing of Chinese [S+V+O] simple sentence structures—ERPs evidence
YANG Siqin, JIANG Minghu
Lab of Computational Linguistics, School of Humanities, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 句法优先说和语义中心论是句子加工理论中两大对立的观点。该文以N400和P600效应为主要观测和分析对象,探究汉语中没有修饰成分的“主语(名词)+谓语(动词)+宾语(名词)”句式(简称为汉语[S+V+O]简单句式)中语义违反句、句法违反句和语义句法双违反句在大脑中的认知加工机制。图像结果显示,语义违反句、句法违反句和语义句法双违反句在300~400 ms之间均引发了N400效应。其中,语义违反句和句法违反句的N400波幅近似,但是,语义句法双违反句的N400波幅明显比语义违反句和句法违反句的N400波幅更负。在4种类型句子中,只有语义违反句出现了P600趋势。实验结果表明,汉语[S+V+O]简单句式加工可能不契合句法优先说。同时也发现,该句式与“把”字句和“被”句所引发的脑电成分也有不同。基于此,该文推论大脑对句子的加工可能因语言种类和不同句子的结构形式而有所差异。
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关键词 句子语义句法N400P600事件相关脑电位(ERPs)    
Abstract:Syntax-first models and semantic priority are two opposing views in sentence processing theory. This study took N400 and P600 effects as the main analysis objects to explore the cognitive processing mechanism of Chinese sentences with semantic violations, with syntax violations and with both semantic and syntax violations of the "subject (noun) + predicate (verb) + object (noun)" structure without modifiers (referred to as Chinese [S+V+O] simple sentence structure) in the brain. The results of figures showed that semantic violation sentences, syntactic violation sentences, and combined violation sentences all triggered the N400 effect between 300 and 400 ms. Among them, the N400 amplitude of the semantic violation sentence and the syntactic violation sentence were similar, but the N400 amplitude for sentences with both semantic and syntax violations were more negative than the N400 amplitude with only one semantic and sytax violation. Only the semantical violations produced the P600 tendency. The research results indicated that Chinese sentences with the [S+V+O] simple structure might not fit with syntax-first model. The results also showed that the brain response to this sentence structure differs from the EEG amplitude caused by the "ba" sentence and the "bei" sentence. Thus, this research concludes that sentence processing in brain might differ for language types and language structures.
Key wordssentence    semantics    syntax    N400    P600    event-related brain potentials (ERPs)
收稿日期: 2020-10-19      出版日期: 2022-11-10
杨思琴, 江铭虎. 汉语[S+V+O]简单句式的语义和句法加工研究——ERPs实验证据[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62(12): 2053-2060.
YANG Siqin, JIANG Minghu. Semantic and syntactic processing of Chinese [S+V+O] simple sentence structures—ERPs evidence. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2022, 62(12): 2053-2060.
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