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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (1): 52-61    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2022.21.035
  机械工程 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
张云1, 曹聪1,2, 姜忠3, 王立平1
1. 清华大学 机械工程系, 北京 100084;
2. 电子科技大学 机械与电气工程学院, 成都 611731;
3. 中国工程物理研究院 机械制造工艺研究所, 绵阳 621900
Influence mechanism of the oil film contact surface error of the hydrostatic guide rail on the geometric error of the guide rail
ZHANG Yun1, CAO Cong1,2, JIANG Zhong3, WANG LiPing1
1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;
2. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China;
3. Institute of Machinery Manufacturing Technology, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, China
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摘要 液体静压导轨是超精密车床的主要核心部件,其几何误差对超精密车床的加工精度起着至关重要的作用。制造装配误差以及变形误差是影响液体静压导轨几何误差的主要因素。为了提高液体静压导轨几何误差和精度保持性,该文建立液体静压导轨流固耦合仿真模型和螺栓预紧力学模型,分别讨论油压等因素作用下的静压导轨变形和螺栓预紧变形规律,提出表征制造装配误差的数学模型,建立油膜均化作用下的变形误差传递模型,分析导轨压板油膜结合面误差(即压力油膜所支承的结构表面误差)对工作台几何误差的影响机制。研究表明:液体静压导轨压力油膜的误差均化作用使得其几何误差远低于自身零部件面形误差,但压力油膜并不能完全均化油膜结合面上的误差;结合面误差增加的同时,其油膜均化能力逐渐减弱;此外,液体静压导轨直线度误差对油膜结合面误差幅值更为敏感,而角度误差受结合面误差函数的波长和相位差的影响更为明显。实验测量的导轨几何误差与模型预测结果一致。该研究为超精密车床的液体静压导轨制造、装备工艺提供了有益参考。
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关键词 金刚石车床液体静压导轨结合面误差油膜均化作用几何误差    
Abstract:With the advancement of research and development of weapon systems in China's major scientific projects and defense fields, diamond turning is widely used in the processing of high-performance parts, such as the precision of physical experimental samples and optical parts. Hydrostatic guideways have become the core components of ultraprecision lathes due to their high precision and rigidity. Its geometric error is critical in determining the machining accuracy of ultraprecision lathes. The main factors influencing the geometric errors of hydrostatic guide rails are manufacturing and assembly errors, as well as deformation errors caused by oil pressure. In this research, the fluid-structure coupling simulation model and the bolt preloading mechanical model of the hydrostatic guideway are established to improve the geometric error and accuracy retention of the hydrostatic guideway and discuss the structural deformation and bolt preloading of the hydrostatic guideway caused by the pressure due to oil supply and other factors. The error in a mathematical model to characterize the oil film joint surface under the action of manufacturing, assembly, and oil pressure is proposed using the deformation law of tight structure, and the deformation error transfer model under the action of oil film homogenization is established. The influence mechanism of the oil film bonding surface error of the guide rail pressure plate on the geometric error of the worktable is analyzed. The research shows that the error in the homogenization effect of the pressure oil film of the hydrostatic guideway makes its geometric error much lower than the surface error of its parts, but the pressure oil film cannot completely homogenize the error on the oil film joint surface. The increase in amplitude, linear error PV value, and angle error PV value are proportional as the two types of errors have the same growth rate. The maximum linear and angular geometric errors are 0.22 μm and 1.58 μrad, respectively. This shows that as the surface shape error of the parts increases, the equalization effect of the oil film error gradually weakens. Furthermore, the straightness error of the hydrostatic guideway is more sensitive to the error amplitude of the oil film joint surface, whereas the angle error is more affected by the wavelength and phase difference of the joint surface error function. Finally, the method is used to design the tolerance of hydrostatic guide rail components. When the error amplitude of the oil film bonding surface is within 3 μm, the experimentally measured guide rail straightness error is 0.26 μm/140 mm, and the pitch angle error is 1.72 μrad. The prediction result of the error transfer model for the geometric error of the worktable is close to the experimentally measured result, implying that the model prediction is adequate and the angle error is relatively large. This method can effectively predict the geometric error of the worktable in the designing stage of the guideway. Further, the present research provides a valuable reference for the manufacture and equipment of the hydrostatic guideway of the ultraprecision lathe.
Key wordsdiamond lathe    hydrostatic guideway    distortion inaccuracy    oil film homogenization    geometric error
收稿日期: 2022-05-13      出版日期: 2023-01-11
张云, 曹聪, 姜忠, 王立平. 液体静压导轨油膜结合面误差对导轨几何误差的影响机制[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(1): 52-61.
ZHANG Yun, CAO Cong, JIANG Zhong, WANG LiPing. Influence mechanism of the oil film contact surface error of the hydrostatic guide rail on the geometric error of the guide rail. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(1): 52-61.
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