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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (4): 521-545    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.25.025
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吴悠, 杨明, 杨斌
清华大学 能源与动力工程系, 北京 100084
Recent progress and challenges in combustion kinetic model of jet fuel
WU You, YANG Ming, YANG Bin
Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
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摘要 航空发动机数值仿真有助于加速发动机的研发进程,但需要准确可靠的航空煤油燃烧反应动力学模型。该文总结了近20年国内外航空煤油(Jet A和RP-3)及其模型燃料的研究进展,包括航空煤油的主要成分及理化性质测定、航空煤油及其模型燃料的基础燃烧实验、模型燃料构建方法及配方组成,以及模型燃料反应动力学模型的发展与验证等方面。航空煤油燃烧数值模拟的关键在于模型燃料的建立及其详细、简化燃烧反应动力学机理的发展,在高保真刻画燃烧反应动力学特性的前提下,航空煤油简化机理最终用于航空发动机燃烧室的计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)仿真。该文将航空煤油反应动力学模型研究分为航空煤油的实验研究、模型燃料构建及其反应动力学模型研究3个部分,并着重讨论了此部分的发展现状与挑战。
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关键词 燃烧反应动力学航空煤油模型燃料RP-3    
Abstract:[Significance] The numerical simulation of an aero-engine conduces to accelerate the engine research and development processes, which requires an accurate and reliable combustion kinetic model of jet fuel. This paper reviews the research progress of jet fuel (Jet A and RP-3) and their surrogate fuels in recent years. It includes the main composition of jet fuel, physical and chemical property measurement and combustion experiments of jet fuel and surrogate fuels, construction methods for surrogate fuel, surrogate fuel's composition and combustion kinetic models, and verification of the combustion experiment and the kinetic model of surrogate fuel by the combustion characteristics of jet fuel. The key to the numerical simulation of jet fuel combustion is to develop the surrogate fuel, as well as to reasonably construct and simplify its combustion kinetic mechanism, so that it can not only describe the combustion kinetic characteristics with high fidelity, but also be coupled with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation. According to different research purposes, developing an appropriate reduced kinetic model of jet fuel and applying it to the numerical simulation of an aero-engine help to understand the combustion processes in engines. Furthermore, it also provides technical support for engine design optimization and performance improvement. [Progress] The development of the combustion kinetic model of jet fuel is mainly divided into three parts: the experimental study of jet fuel, the construction of surrogate fuels, and the combustion kinetic model of the surrogate fuel. This paper focuses on the progress and challenges of the above three aspects. In experimental study, researchers mainly focus on the combustion characteristics of ignition, flame speed, and oxidation products. Jet A and its surrogate fuels have well-established physical and chemical properties, as well as combustion experimental data that have been extensively validated. Although study of RP-3 starts relatively late, many high-temperature ignition and laminar flame experiments have been conducted, with relatively fewer low-temperature ignition and oxidation experiments. There is an urgent need to conduct accurate fundamental combustion experiments covering a wider range of temperatures, pressures, and equivalence ratios that encompass the operating conditions of aero-engines and establish the fundamental combustion databases of jet fuel and its related component fuels. In terms of surrogate fuel, its construction methods can be roughly divided into four categories, including matching hydrocarbon composition, key physical and chemical properties, characteristic functional groups, and combustion experimental results. Currently, most surrogate fuels match a few characteristics of jet fuels, and the choosing of matching parameters rely heavily on the researcher's experience and research goals. Therefore, it is still necessary to discuss how to develop a systematic construction method for surrogate fuels: One that does not depend on the researcher's experience and only requires selecting the matching parameters of the surrogate fuel based on the research objective. The systematic construction of surrogate fuels requires a fundamental combustion experimental database for jet fuel, while detailed combustion kinetics mechanisms of single- and multiple-components fuels in jet fuel are also necessary. In the study of combustion kinetics models, the surrogate fuels, kinetic mechanisms and combustion experimental data for RP-3, influenced by the experimental research, are mostly one-to-one correspondence. This leads to a lack of universality in surrogate fuels and their detailed mechanisms. Due to the lack of low-temperature ignition and oxidation data, research on the combustion kinetics models of jet fuel primarily focuses on high-temperature ignition and laminar flame speed, with relatively less attention given to the low-temperature mechanisms. Furthermore, in practical applications, detailed kinetics models need to be simplified for use in CFD, so appropriate reduced mechanisms for jet fuel are necessary. [Conclusions and Prospects] The development of the jet fuel combustion kinetic model should move towards database-based and modular construction. Therefore, it is urgent to establish the fundamental combustion database of jet fuel and its related component fuels, as well as continuously develop systematic methods for constructing surrogate fuels, simplifying and optimizing kinetic models. Thus, suitable systematic construction of jet fuel combustion kinetics models can be achieved according to different research objectives.
Key wordscombustion reaction kinetics    jet fuel    surrogate fuel    RP-3
收稿日期: 2023-02-15      出版日期: 2023-04-22
通讯作者: 杨斌,教授,     E-mail:
作者简介: 吴悠(1996-),女,博士研究生。
吴悠, 杨明, 杨斌. 航空煤油反应动力学模型的发展现状和挑战[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(4): 521-545.
WU You, YANG Ming, YANG Bin. Recent progress and challenges in combustion kinetic model of jet fuel. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(4): 521-545.
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