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清华大学学报(自然科学版)  2023, Vol. 63 Issue (11): 1729-1740    DOI: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2023.26.034
  低碳交通与绿色发展 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
黄爱玲1, 王子吉安1, 张哲1, 李名杰2, 宋悦1
1. 北京交通大学 综合交通运输大数据应用技术交通运输行业重点实验室, 北京 100044;
2. 首都机场集团有限公司北京大兴国际机场 信息管理部, 北京 102600
Capacity-matching model of landside multiple transport modes for large airports considering the impact of carbon emissions
HUANG Ailing1, WANG Zijian1, ZHANG Zhe1, LI Mingjie2, SONG Yue1
1. Key Laboratory of Transport Industry of Big Data Application Technologies for Comprehensive Transport, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China;
2. Department of Information Management, Beijing Daxing International Airport of Capital Airport Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 102600, China
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摘要 为解决机场枢纽旅客疏散需求与陆侧交通运力供给的精准适配难题,该文在分析运力配置与旅客出行方式选择相互作用机理的基础上,建立了面向大型机场陆侧大巴、轨道交通、出租车和私家车等多交通方式协同的运力匹配双层规划模型。首先,以出行时间、出行费用、准时度和舒适度4个指标作为特征变量构建了多交通方式选择效用函数。其次,综合考虑各交通方式的协同与服务水平特点,建立了运力匹配双层规划模型:上层模型以企业运营成本、旅客候车成本和碳排放环境成本三者之和最小化为目标,对公共交通线路的发车时间间隔、出租车到达率进行优化;下层模型基于随机用户均衡-Logit模型,在上层生成的运力配置方案的基础上,实现客流面向多交通方式的分配。再次,该文提出了一种改进的遗传算法以求解模型,通过嵌套连续平均算法与预搜索机制提高下层模型的计算效率,进而提升综合求解效率。最后,以北京大兴国际机场为例开展实证研究,结果表明:所构建的双层规划模型和算法能有效优化大型机场交通运力资源配置,从而达到优化陆侧交通结构、倡导绿色出行的目的。
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关键词 机场枢纽运力匹配双层规划改进遗传算法随机用户均衡连续平均算法    
Abstract:[Objective] In the airport ground-transport system, it is operationally important to match the evacuation requirement of passengers, and the capacity of multimodal transport vehicles is crucial. Numerous studies have investigated single-mode transport capacity allocation; however, research on multimode allocation is scarce. [Methods] To mitigate the difficulty in realizing an exact match between the evacuation demand of passengers and the capacity of multimodal transport, a bi-level programming model for multimodal transport resource allocation is proposed according to the analysis of the interaction between capacity allocation and passenger travel choice. A utility function of multiple travel modes, including airport buses, metro, taxis, and private cars, is formulated with the following four features: travel time, travel cost, punctuality, and comfort. The upper-level objective is to minimize the total enterprise-operation cost, passenger-waiting cost, and carbon emission cost for optimizing the headway of public transit and the taxi arrival rate, which is subject to the capacity of each transit mode, the range of each public-transit headway decided by fixed equipment, and the range of taxi arrival rate decided by the capacity of boarding location. Based on the output of the transport capacity allocation scheme used by the upper level, the low-level objective is to assign the passenger flow toward multiple travel modes according to a stochastic user equilibrium-logit model with a utility function. Furthermore, an improved genetic algorithm combined with method of successive algorithm (MSA) is designed to solve the proposed bi-level programming model. To improve the solving efficiency of the algorithm, a pre-search mechanism is proposed, in which the infeasible solution is filtered out using low-precision MSA to reduce the computational cost of repeatedly calling the low-level model. [Results] The Beijing Daxing International Airport was considered as a case study to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed bi-level programming model in optimizing transport capacity allocation in airport ground-transport centers. The transport capacity allocation scheme obtained via the proposed model reduced the average passenger-waiting time and the total carbon emission of the system by 14.08% and 6.21%, respectively, while increasing the operation cost by only 1.32%. Moreover, the optimized capacity allocation scheme resulted in the switching of 6.7% of passengers who availed taxis and private cars to buses and metro, which were more environmentally friendly. The proposed solution algorithm could efficiently solve the bi-level model. Under the pre-search mechanism, the generation time of the scheme was 217.6 s, which could meet the production demand within the acceptable time. [Conclusions] Results show that the optimized scheme obtained from the bi-level model and algorithms is considerably better than before. The proposed scheme reduces passenger-waiting time and the carbon emissions of the multimodal transport system at a negligible cost. Using the optimized scheme, the organizers of airport ground-transport centers can coordinate the capacities of landside multiple transport modes and guide passengers reasonably. This will reduce operation costs, improve airport landside traffic structure, and encourage green and low-carbon travel.
Key wordsairport hub    transportation capacity matching    bilevel programming    improved genetic algorithm    stochastic user equilibrium    method of successive algorithm
收稿日期: 2022-12-31      出版日期: 2023-10-16
黄爱玲, 王子吉安, 张哲, 李名杰, 宋悦. 考虑碳排放影响的大型机场陆侧多交通方式运力匹配模型[J]. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 63(11): 1729-1740.
HUANG Ailing, WANG Zijian, ZHANG Zhe, LI Mingjie, SONG Yue. Capacity-matching model of landside multiple transport modes for large airports considering the impact of carbon emissions. Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology), 2023, 63(11): 1729-1740.
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